President Trump Implores Libertarians to Fight Their Common Enemy, The Biden Regime – IOTW Report

President Trump Implores Libertarians to Fight Their Common Enemy, The Biden Regime

Just the News

“The fact is we should not be fighting each other,” Trump said. “If Joe Biden gets back in there will be no more liberty for anyone in our country. Combine with us in a partnership. We’re asking that of the Libertarians. We have to work together. Combine with us…..we cannot give crooked Joe Biden four more years.”

Trump is the first former president to speak at their convention. 

He addressed the Libertarian crowd who had mixed reactions to seeing him and reminded them that Biden didn’t come to speak to them. 

9 Comments on President Trump Implores Libertarians to Fight Their Common Enemy, The Biden Regime

  1. Libertarians get an A- for political theory and an F for political organization and effectiveness. Those fuckers couldn’t organize small town church raffle right. Democrats get an F for ideas but an A+ for political organization and effectiveness. They’ve manage to destroy the country using the most worthless 40% of the population to work in lockstep to do so.

    The GOP gets a C- across the board because they love war and cheap labor more than they love the USA.

  2. The common enemy is the GOVERNMENT ITSELF…and that won’t change even if Trump gets elected. MOST libertarians understand that. Most so-called Conservatives…don’t.

  3. I was able to watch some of this. At one point Trump said, “One of the differences between me and Joe Biden is I don’t try and put people that disagree with me in jail”. The crowd went nuts. Mean while Newsweek is reporting he was thrown out of the convention. Somethings gotta to be done about the media.

  4. Won’t work. The Libs would rather lose than win, and they’d rather spite a good R (or Trumplican) than see him/her win.

    When you see somebody who tries to come across as a Conservative, but does nothing but whine about how we’re all dooooomed and loves wallowing in it, that’s a Lib.

  5. All I saw were crybabies with no brains to move the Libertarian ideals forward, but instead, just content whining and crying.
    Disrespectful bunch of whiners.

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