President Trump Is Battling Evil – In God We Trust – CAPTAIN USA / @Mr_Pinko / – IOTW Report

President Trump Is Battling Evil – In God We Trust – CAPTAIN USA / @Mr_Pinko /

President Trump Is Battling Evil – In God We Trust

See the EPIC VIDEO by CAPTAIN USA / @Mr_Pinko /

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11 Comments on President Trump Is Battling Evil – In God We Trust – CAPTAIN USA / @Mr_Pinko /

  1. If you do not name evil, how do you know that it exists.
    That is why Trump has been bringing up evil so often so we can see it and name it. The Left and all that they do, they are pure evil.

  2. No doubt they’ll keep it up and that bodes well for us come the mid term elections.
    As a nation we have come close but not reached the critical mass the left was hoping for to permanently shift control.
    My biggest concern is cleaning the voter rolls before that time comes.

  3. We need this man. . . he fights. And he fights very skillfully. President Trump has done more to fight the anti-American democratic party than all the GOP politicians combined since Reagan left office.

    Compromise with evil is, by definition, evil.

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