President Trump Responds To Mueller Raids on Personal Attorney Michael Cohen – IOTW Report

President Trump Responds To Mueller Raids on Personal Attorney Michael Cohen

Conservative Treehouse: You can call it a soft-coup, or you can call it politicization of the DOJ and FBI, but the end result is the same – the intentional effort to manipulate, influence, and ultimately subvert an election for the presidency of the United States.  ~SD

Moments ago a righteously angered President Trump responded to the FBI raids on the office and home of his personal attorney Michael Cohen.  In addition to expressing outrage at Robert Mueller and his team of “small group” political allies, President Trump expressed his disappointment in Attorney General Jeff Sessions for authorizing the ongoing action.

[Transcript] THE PRESIDENT: So I just heard that they broke into the office of one of my personal attorneys — a good man. And it’s a disgraceful situation. It’s a total witch hunt. I’ve been saying it for a long time. I’ve wanted to keep it down. We’ve given, I believe, over a million pages’ worth of documents to the Special Counsel.

They continue to just go forward. And here we are talking about Syria and we’re talking about a lot of serious things. We’re the greatest fighting force ever. And I have this witch hunt constantly going on for over 12 months now — and actually, much more than that. You could say it was right after I won the nomination, it started.

And it’s a disgrace. It’s, frankly, a real disgrace. It’s an attack on our country, in a true sense. It’s an attack on what we all stand for.

So when I saw this and when I heard it — I heard it like you did — I said, that is really now on a whole new level of unfairness.

So this has been going on — I saw one of the reporters, who is not necessarily a fan of mine, not necessarily very good to me. He said, in effect, that this is ridiculous; this is now getting ridiculous. They found no collusion whatsoever with Russia. The reason they found it is there was no collusion at all. No collusion. This is the most biased group of people. These people have the biggest conflicts of interest I’ve ever seen.

Democrats all — or just about all — either Democrats or a couple of Republicans that worked for President Obama, they’re not looking at the other side; they’re not looking at the Hillary Clinton — the horrible things that she did and all of the crimes that were committed. They’re not looking at all of the things that happened that everybody is very angry about, I can tell you, from the Republican side, and I think even the independent side. They only keep looking at us.

So they find no collusion, and then they go from there and they say, “Well, let’s keep going.” And they raid an office of a personal attorney early in the morning. And I think it’s a disgrace.

So we’ll be talking about it more. But this is the most conflicted group of people I’ve ever seen. The Attorney General made a terrible mistake when he did this, and when he recused himself. Or he should have certainly let us know if he was going to recuse himself, and we would have used a — put a different Attorney General in. So he made what I consider to be a very terrible mistake for the country. But you’ll figure that out.  MORE

24 Comments on President Trump Responds To Mueller Raids on Personal Attorney Michael Cohen

  1. Is there someone who could file charges of some sort against Mueller? He’s certainly not the only one in DC who is good at coming up with ways to charge someone with a crime or at least to start an investigation.
    This is showing me that Sessions has no spine. Gowdy is all talk. Nunes is all talk. Congress should be able to stop this.

  2. potus Trump is damned if does and damned if he doesn’t.
    do anything.

    this reinforces carlins quip: it’s a club and you’re not in it

    we elect a non professional politician and all the professional politicians are up in arms conspiring against him to drive him from office ?

    the deep state exposure has come full circle.
    they are out in the citizens faces showing the two tiered justice system for all to see.

    they raided potus Trumps attorney’s office and yet hillary still walks free.

    wouldn’t the deep state be hiding it’s injustice if it thought there was a chance they would be prosecuted ?

    am I thinking with my glass half empty ?

  3. Outrage upon outrage.
    The Obola/Lynch/Holder/Clinton abomination continues.
    All this leads to reaction – eventually America reacts to being shat on.
    The media and its nihilistic/totalitarian masters will attempt to focus the attention on the reaction while ignoring the outrages. An old story, but one with a long record of achievement.

    Spit in a guy’s face – then when he smacks the shit outta you call the cops and have him charged with assault.

    The same play the izlamics are using, successfully, in Europe and parts of America: rape and kill, then cry “racism” and “izlamophobia” when people react to it. Seen it with negroes, too: commit a multitude of crimes and then whine that the prisons are full of negroes.

    And America keeps apologizing, hat in hand.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @bill – I feel ya. We don’t like what’s happening. We come here to commiserate and vent. Yet we seem to be content with that. My little corner of upstate is red in the vast blue capital region of New York. Schumer/Gillibrand/Tonko are my reps. Is there anything I can do/should be doing, beside voting, donating and watching my money go down the crapper?

  5. Don’t fire Mueller, arrest him.

    Perp walk him.

    Mueller and crew have nothing and this was a desperation move with the aid of Chicago politics 101.

    He raids Trump’s lawyer for some dirt on Stormy? You must be joking. I think most people will see him as the bumbling incompetent he is.

  6. Hugh Hewitt, no fan of Trump, was just about to shit himself this morning. He’s seen a lot of shady stuff in DC, but nothing like this before. One would think this jackbootery would wake nevertrumpers to the evil they’ve allied with, but the Nevertrump–and Dem– spin is that the US attorneys in the Southern District of NY did this, not Mueller. And the deeply righteous SDNY would not do this if they hadn’t found evidence of monstrous crime. Nevermind that the SDNY is a viper pit of Trump-haters; Schneiderman, Weissmann, Bharara all hail from that shit-hole. They are all as crooked as Mueller, and they’ve got nothing on Trump, either, but the smear must continue by any means necessary.

  7. Not that it will do anything….at all, but I emailed my RINO Senator Susan Collins and asked her to at the very least get out and speak up about Mueller’s over reach, witch hunt and going beyond his assignment. Made me feel better anyway.

  8. @beachmom, I tried writing my congressman, Texas Sen. Cornyn regarding the Omnibus spending bill. I received a mealy mouthed response that was written solely to induce a calming response in the proletariat. I have never read such condescending crap in my life. It did not take long to develop the opinion that one of my senators is trying to smother me with RINO shit. I intend to do any and everything to defeat him at his next re-election with the exception of voting for a liberal.

  9. Sedition masquerading as the Law…A Coup in process seeking the downfall of an elected President, either directly , or through colluding to overthrow him in the next election by propagandizing voter knowledge. It is that serious and our future as a Republic or even as citizens hangs in the balance. In less than three years we may become, not Free men, but Subjects…to a Socialist machine that collects money and spreads it world wide in order to become more powerful while its Subjects are slowly stomped to death.

  10. Trump just needs to stay calm, and continue to give Mueller more and more rope, he’s already hanging himself. Nothing there so let him expose his ineptitude on this whole thing. It’s fun watching the left have a collective aneurysm and when it’s over their heads will explode.

  11. Pundits have commented that Mueller may be working towards subpoenaing Trump before his GJ – under oath and without legal counsel. If it came to that, Trump would be providing the rope, and building the scaffold for his own hanging. There is no way he would not be indicted for something after that given the several perjury traps set for him.

  12. This Mueller investigation is starting to make me angry. Nobody that was a part of the DC establishment would ever be hounded like this. It’s becoming quite obvious that they are trying to destroy the outsider who is threatening their status quo. I only hope this energizes the base going into mid terms.

  13. The right says when there’s a crime you look for a person who may have committed it. The left says when you have a person you look for a crime they may have committed.

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