Wapo Publishes Essay That Advocates Paying Trump To Leave Office – IOTW Report

Wapo Publishes Essay That Advocates Paying Trump To Leave Office

I’ve seen some stupid things in my life. I remember there was a guy who opened the lid on a barrel full of smoldering fireworks to see for himself why they didn’t go off, and the rush of oxygen resulted in his head being blown clean off.

This piece is dumber than that.

It contends that Trump is worse than any African president (what kind of racist crap is that??Right #BLM?) so we should do what they do, bribe them to go away.

They propose $100,000,000.

The case against Trump includes such gems as:

Like Gambia’s former president Yahya Jammeh, who claimed he had an herbal cure for AIDS, Trump has cast doubt on vaccines.

Trump has attacked the press.

If you think Ivanka Trump is getting a sweet deal out of her father’s presidency, read about Angola’s Isabel Dos Santos.

Odd that nothing gleaned from the special counsel investigation is included in this list. Maybe that’s why they think they have to pay him to go away, because their investigations have produced zippo.




8 Comments on Wapo Publishes Essay That Advocates Paying Trump To Leave Office

  1. This is why you never judge people by what you would do.

    They assume Trump is as corrupt as they are. They can’t get it through their heads he isn’t doing it for the money.

  2. Why would President Trump already a billionaire need any more money? They assume he’s corrupt enough or dumb enough to accept their bribe and just walk away, I don’t think so. Donald trump doesn’t need their blood money. What our president needs is an immense amount of God’s blessing, grace and mercy and the support of all Americans who want to make America great again and are upset as he is about the status quo. We are lucky he is president because Hellary would’ve pretty much destroyed the country by now finishing off what barry had started.

  3. a lot of screaming for potus Trump to be gone, but why ?

    none of the voices ever really provides a clear answer except
    “he’s not a swamp critter professional politician”

    why ?
    why should potus Trump be driven from office.

    people are very protective of their rice bowl.
    a lot of rice bowls must be getting filled by the status quo.

  4. I think Trump is in touch with the average American even more so than Reagan. He is the man that comes along just when the drowning person is going down for the third time.
    I hope he knows just how much support he has out here. He’s been battered relentlessly since taking office.
    The greedy exploiters out there are very powerful and flush with swindled money and won’t ease off.
    These fools are desperate if they think they can bribe a man who loves his country as he’s demonstrated. It’ll probably get crazier, especially when the warrants begin to be issued.

  5. Remember to pray for this president. There are thos of us who believe he was put here in this time and place to save the world, not just the United States. He cannot survive without the help from the Almighty, and our corporate prayers.

  6. Speaking of barrels, we had a kid at a car dealership use a butane lighter to pear into a 55 gallon drum of solvent to determine how much was left; blew up that corner of the service area…they’re still searching for the kids remains.


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