President Trump Signs Section 201 Trade Action – IOTW Report

President Trump Signs Section 201 Trade Action

CTH: President Trump and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer held an open-press Oval Office event to announce trade action, tariffs, against China (solar) and S-Korea (washing machines) for product dumping. [Details Here]

The backdrop of this executive action happens on the first day of NAFTA round six talks beginning in Canada.  Ambassador Lighthizer will be traveling to Canada shortly.  It is increasingly likely that President Trump will exit NAFTA as part of the larger initiative to draw manufacturing jobs back into the U.S.   In this round, we are hearing from those close to the work that Mexico and Canada are panicked and ready to concede in an effort to keep access to the U.S. market they are dependent on.

President Trump and Ambassador Lighthizer are now in the process of leveraging the U.S. business tax policy changes to hammer bilateral trade deals.  This is where the teeth of Team wolverine become visible.  All future action builds on all preceding action. more here

4 Comments on President Trump Signs Section 201 Trade Action

  1. Spanking these mfgs for product dumping is having a good effect. I think it is in this article that Maytag says they are bringing their manufacturing back to the U.S. because of it. POTUS Trump’s economic trade strategies are working exactly as he intended them to.

  2. I LOVE it!!!

    Speaking as someone who ONLY like to buy american made products and was put on wafers in favor of companies moving overseas I think it is WAY past time to do this!

    MAGA 2018

  3. Liberals are losing what little is left of their minds over the solar panel tariff. Of course, they can’t see any benefit to panels being manufactured in the US, they just think PDJT is trying to do away with “renewable energy”…

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