President Trump To Hold News Conference On Coronavirus Today – IOTW Report

President Trump To Hold News Conference On Coronavirus Today

Blazing Cat Fur: In a post on Twitter, the president said representatives from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention will attend. WATCH

12 Comments on President Trump To Hold News Conference On Coronavirus Today

  1. “…the president said representatives from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention will attend…”

    Will Rosenstein’s sister be there? Or does she have a meeting scheduled with Schiff already.

  2. I certainly hope he mentions something about Pelosi and her wild-eyed statements that don’t help anything, including that silly San Fransisco mayor declaring an emergency without a single case! Unfortunately, instead of pulling together these unhinged democRATs are absolutely giddy with anticipation of being able to stand on bodies just for a political advantage!
    Really sick!!

  3. The whole corona thing is just a deliberate MSM fear campaign intended to frighten the public.

    When people are fearful they will make concessions and accept all sorts of restrictions and intrusions they would never accept otherwise. The more fearful they are, the more they will be willing to accept.

    This is the purpose of the Corona virus hysteria that is being generated by the MSM and their Leftist allies without there being any actual basis for it. It’s a political weapon and nothing else.

  4. I don’t know JIMMY,I like him
    and his whole family and I
    think Trump picked him wisely
    as VP.He needs to be a little
    more aggressive like “The Donald”.
    I will GLADLY take him either way in
    2024 over any and all commie prog/lib tard
    demoratz for sure…

  5. <line up>Banksters</line up>

    <line up>Nazi hating military an heroes</line up>

    <line up>en-titled Studies title holders</line up>

    <cue>Our star hero, his business family</cue>

    <fire>GLITTER CANONS</fire>

    <music>Her we come! To save the day!</music>

    Let us prey! That we can make the world safe for The Peoples Army of The Peoples Republic of China. And The New York Stock Exchange. The Federal Reserve. And all the banks that hide pay us, our money.

    Let us prey. For a new Marshall Plan. A better Martial Plan. A MAGA plan.

    This time, we’re in charge. So it’ll be yuge. Not like every other martial commie Marshall plan, the banksters have always run.


    And, fnck Huawei!

  6. POTUS was calm, cool and collected, measured and knowledgeable of the facts. NOT like the hysterical media and all the flashing cameras and shouting. And I only got that from just listening on the radio now in the back round.

    One of his best ‘back fire at’ to the fake news conferences, MANY, so far, chopper pressers aside…


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