President Trump Will Release Name of Supreme Court Nominee Monday, July 9th – IOTW Report

President Trump Will Release Name of Supreme Court Nominee Monday, July 9th

CTH: There has been a great deal of speculation about who President Trump will nominate to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy.  Earlier today President Trump revealed he will announce the nominee on Monday July 9th:

Democrats and far-left activists have vowed to do everything possible to stop any nominee from being confirmed. All political opposition is beyond bananas on this issue.

President Trump has stated his intention to make the nominee from a previously compiled list, with a few additions. The potential nominees are:

12 Comments on President Trump Will Release Name of Supreme Court Nominee Monday, July 9th

  1. Saying that the left is beyond bananas in their political opposition to any Supreme Court nominee that Trump makes tells me we’re in for a major league freak out on the left. As I said before, “Let the Borking begin”. They won’t be happy with any nominee short of Satan which is pretty much what they want.

  2. “Democrats and far-left activists have vowed to do everything possible to stop any nominee from being confirmed”

    Any nominee? He should nominate hillary just for sport.


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