President Trump Wins ‘Medal of Life’ From Int’l Human Rights Group – IOTW Report

President Trump Wins ‘Medal of Life’ From Int’l Human Rights Group

Town Hall:

“For the first time in the course of his duties, a U.S. President, Donald Trump, declared his solidarity with members of the March for Life, and officially declared that for the U.S. January 22 stands as National Sanctity of Human Life Day. For that humanitarian gesture in defense of moral-ethical values and the sanctity of life starting at conception the institutions International Center for the Defense of Human Life and the Lawton Foundation for Human Rights have the honor of awarding President Donald Trump their highest award: “The Medal of Life.” 

Don’t bother looking for this in the Mainstream Media, amigos. Best I can do is link it in Spanish.

The notice was written by Honorary President of the International Center for the Defense of Human Life Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet. The Center, known by its Spanish initials CIDEVIDA, is headquartered in Valladolid, Spain.

But most of you have never heard of Dr. Biscet, have you, amigos? And yet he’s human rights activist and former political prisoner who suffered tortures Nelson Mandela never even envisioned in his worst nightmares from his (relative) country club incarceration in apartheid South Africa.

In fact, Dr. Biscet suffered this jailing and tortures just 90 miles from our shores, in a place absolutely lousy with Fake News Media “news” bureaus and positively crawling with Fake News Media “reporters.”  MORE

4 Comments on President Trump Wins ‘Medal of Life’ From Int’l Human Rights Group

  1. He deserves it.
    I read somewhere Chelsea Clinton links ‘women’s reproductive rights’ to Global Climate Change.
    How about a return to something like decency and responsibility, rather than letting the unborn pay the price for unbridled sexual ‘freedom’

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