President Trump’s Accomplishments in 1 Minute, 9 Seconds – IOTW Report

President Trump’s Accomplishments in 1 Minute, 9 Seconds

16 Comments on President Trump’s Accomplishments in 1 Minute, 9 Seconds

  1. Tomorrow I will use my white window marker pen to paint a big *️⃣ On the back window of my truck.

    I have seen a FUCK BIDEN yard sign, but that is not subtle. I don’t wish to have my windows bashed out.

    Asterisk should become the symbol to all Americans that the election was stolen and all of this pretend presidency is illegitimate. Thus asterisk. Biden didn’t win. Trump did.

    The left won’t recognize our logo for some time as they are focused on their sexual proclivities and miserable lives. These people are not intelligent.

    So I recommend the asterisk. We can all do it. It’s inexpensive and an inside joke on the communists.

  2. PHenry, I like the idea of the asterisk. I think I’ll find a good font and print one for the corner of my windshield.

    On Twitter and Gab, I have been using Fake46. But that’s not subtle enough for my car; like you said. Don’t want tires slashed or windows broken!


    PS, I know this isn’t a comprehensive list. I think the reason for this video is just for us to show our lefty friends. They can’t take the whole thing in; they need it in smaller bites to understand. Also, it’s not just a list, but the theatrics just might make them watch it.


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