Presidunce Biden delivers tone deaf statement when honoring fallen police – IOTW Report

Presidunce Biden delivers tone deaf statement when honoring fallen police

This is the statement he released for Police Week Honoring the Fallen. What an asshole—

This year, we also recognize that in many of our communities, especially Black and brown communities, there is a deep sense of distrust towards law enforcement; a distrust that has been exacerbated by the recent deaths of several Black and brown people at the hands of law enforcement.  These deaths have resulted in a profound fear, trauma, pain, and exhaustion for many Black and brown Americans, and the resulting breakdown in trust between law enforcement and the communities they have sworn to protect and serve ultimately makes officers’ jobs harder and more dangerous as well.

In order to rebuild that trust, our State, local, and Federal Government and law enforcement agencies must protect constitutional rights, ensure accountability for misconduct, and embrace policing that reflects community values and ensures community safety.  These approaches benefit those who wear the badge and those who count on their protection.

So, it’s all the fault of the police, not the shitty citizens who think being arrested is disrespecting them, so they contribute to their own deaths by being stupid.

I’m not saying that people need to die when resisting arrest, but how distrustful of the police can you be if you’re fighting them? The better question is, how stupid are you if you have “profound fear, trauma, pain, and exhaustion” regarding the police, yet, you behave belligerently when the evil and murderous police detain you?

Also, what’s with the capitalization of black but not brown?

Look at this moronic explanation as to why Columbia University capitalizes black-

we capitalize Black, and not white, when referring to groups in racial, ethnic, or cultural terms. For many people, Black reflects a shared sense of identity and community. 

OHHHHHHH. Gotcha. I’ll be over here, not identifying or being part of a community.

18 Comments on Presidunce Biden delivers tone deaf statement when honoring fallen police

  1. “B”lack reflects a shared sense of identity & community…

    59.5% of world population lives in Asia. (largest India & ChYnA)
    17.2% Africa (but that includes Egypt)
    That is 77% not including Latino south Americans.

  2. May 10, 2021 BFH Uncategorized

    “Also, what’s with the capitalization of black but not brown?”

    Probably because Black lives matter and everyone else’s don’t. Therefore, Blacks now have privilege. The same as spelling god, “God” versus spelling gods, “gods”; and, it is applicable within the “Woke” unenforceable (for now) Lexicon.

    Just a Thought.

  3. Hey asshole, how about honoring the fallen cops right now, and save the bLaCk & bROWn claptrap for another day, or never at all. I didn’t hear you fretting about deadbeat dads during black history month.

  4. “Embrace policing that reflests community values”? Like rape, murder, looting and burning? The Hiden/Hairass administration consists of a demented man and a stupid woman.

  5. I know many people who will step up and do the job of policing their community.

    I’ve even been known to step in when I see an injustice. You may think I’m sweet and shy (ok, I am), but watch me when the innocent need help. I may be scared sh**tless, but the perpetrator doesn’t know that. They just see a tasmanian devil coming at them. One time he was a foot taller than me and had his crew with him egging him on. He backed down. I watched them leave and only then did my legs turn to rubber.

    If I can do it, anyone can. Maybe this defunding the police is a good idea; especially in Democrat run cities.


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