Pride event bans first openly gay police chief from marching – IOTW Report

Pride event bans first openly gay police chief from marching

You can’t just be gay, you have to be the correct gay to be accepted by the Left. The same goes for Blacks, Hispanics, Jews…


Instead of finding common ground and a chance to unite in the wake of the tragic shooting of Philando Castile, the Twin Cities Pride festival decided to drive a wedge into the divide.

The festival set to take place over the weekend of June 24th and 25th is excluding police officers from marching and participating, which has left Minneapolis Police Chief Janeé Harteau, who is the first open lesbian, “surprised and saddened to be shut out from an event meant to celebrate diversity and foster inclusion.”

In a letter to Twin Cities Pride, Harteau wrote, “I am beyond disappointed that you didn’t feel you could talk with me before making such a divisive decision that has really hurt so many in our community, including the LGBTQ members of this Department (and their family members). … I really struggle to see how this decision helps our community heal, and the message of division and not inclusion is so hurtful to many of us.”
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16 Comments on Pride event bans first openly gay police chief from marching

  1. I want to puke listening to these queers having a cat fight. “Our community”…screw your community. Having to endure you people trying to mainstream your perversion.

  2. That sounds like good grounds to cancel their permits and shutting it down. How dare they exclude any group. If the alphabet soup sexual deviants try to go forward arrest and throw them in jail.

  3. The parade of perverts are for the deviants who are more equal than others.
    Those who you deny attendance, Are they not as immoral than those who attend?
    Your division and exclusion has hurt their feelings.
    You know it’s all about feelings.

  4. “… meant to celebrate diversity and foster inclusion.”
    Gives the lie to the whole shebang, doesn’t it?

    No one with any self-respect would want to be included in a pervert parade.
    Or a parade of perverts.

    Castro may have had the right idea … isolation, shock treatments, re-education … just short of throwing them off buildings (which would be bad, or sad, or … something …).

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Poor lesbian police chief…. awwwww. We, the normal, can rest assured that these deviant scum on the left will get what they deserve from the most hate filled, vile, violent, mean spirited scum their is. Their own on the left..

  6. They changed their minds. They had so much backlash about excluding cops (probably from the potential marchers afraid of the muzzies showing up to kill them), they just said, “Hehe, just kidding”.

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