Pride Parades Are Nothing to Be Proud Of – IOTW Report

Pride Parades Are Nothing to Be Proud Of

The Federalist

These hypersexualized “pride” parades function as public humiliation rituals. It’s not really about celebrating love or diversity or whatever BS the left uses as a smokescreen. It’s about shoving sexual deviancy in people’s faces and daring them, “What are you going to do about it?” Left-wing radicals know full well that, if anything, they’ll be praised for doing it, so they gloat that they’ve successfully made LGBT-identifying people sacrosanct in our culture. More

18 Comments on Pride Parades Are Nothing to Be Proud Of

  1. It’s about shoving sexual deviancy in people’s faces and daring them, “What are you going to do about it?”

    I’m thinking fire extinguishers loaded with brown paint wielded by people wearing NO MORE SODOMY tee shirts.

  2. There are few coincidences, none when it comes to “progressives.”

    Pride (superbia), also known as hubris (from Ancient Greek ὕβρις) or futility. It is considered the original and worst of the seven deadly sins on almost every list, the most demonic. It is also thought to be the source of the other capital sins. Pride is the opposite of humility.

  3. If they can normalize pride and inculcate a sense of it being a virtue, as they have done with envy… then the rest will fall with little or no effort on their part.

  4. Obama coxed this vermin out from underneath there rocks. After all one of his main objectives was/is, destroy the family unit. Now that 6% thinks they’re in control. I can’t help thinking there’s a major correction coming. And it will be violent as hell. Especially when you consider their main target is our children.

  5. ^^^^
    No Government has the rights to legislate parental rights away from them. CHILDREN ARE NOT A WARD OF THE STATE. And that’s what they’re desperately trying to do. And that’s why there’s going to be violence. They’ve crossed the line.

  6. Proud to be degenerate vile deviant scum. They are all baby rapists, dog rapists, and murderers of all that is good.

    And the democrats support this shit.

  7. Few things have been backlashed like Pride Month and I note it’s nowhere as obnoxious as last year.

    “Obama coxed this vermin out from underneath there rocks. After all one of his main objectives was/is, destroy the family unit. Now that 6% thinks they’re in control.”

    Actually, it was Willie. And destroying the family started with Franklin Roosevelt.

    For the record, they only add up to 1.3% (based on surveys in both Britain and the US).

  8. First hubris then nemesis. For we middling folk it would be, pride goeth before a fall. There are few sins spoken more about than pride and envy, twin mothers (see what I did there?) of most of the other major sins. Norm McDonald (sp) did a great bit on queer, male sodomite pride. Hilarious.

  9. They need to have a prevert parade.

    Some of the signs and banners:

    “We’re not ordinary perverts. We’re PREVERTS!”
    “We’ve got shit on our penises and proud of it!”
    “Go ahead! Shove it up our asses!”
    “Butt fuckers of America! Unite!
    “We’re proud we aren’t attracted to women!”
    “Women suck and make inconvenient babies that need killing.”
    “We’re preverts and proud of it!”


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