Prince Steals Show With Tom Petty, Dhani Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Steve Winwood – IOTW Report

Prince Steals Show With Tom Petty, Dhani Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Steve Winwood

31 Comments on Prince Steals Show With Tom Petty, Dhani Harrison, Jeff Lynne and Steve Winwood

  1. Prince’s guitar skills have often been compared to Jimi Hendrix. Now you see why.
    God, I am SO SAD that he is gone. He truly was one of the most talented musicians I’ve ever heard. And friends of mine in Minneapolis knew him personally and told me often that he was a truly kind and humble man. He didn’t drink, do drugs or hurt anyone. He only cared about being creative. Oh, and he quietly gave TONS of money to charity.
    Just so sad…
    I gotta get my flu shot.

  2. I was never a giant Prince fan, but I found myself a little sad too, Tamminator. I did like some of his tunes and I know he had huge influence. It was difficult *not* to recognize his brilliance. I was so in shock only a few minutes ago when I learned of his death–I didn’t know his exact age but knew it had to be way, way, way too young to be finished on this earth with everything he had to give.

    Then I learned it: 57. He was just a toddler–he had so so much more creativity inside of him, yet to be released.

  3. This vid takes me back to a different time:

    One could love a musician for his music, without regard for his skin color, -or of your own!

    All I have to say. I’ve always been a fan, saw/listened to him just once.

  4. Never saw that video before. Outstanding! I liked most of Prince’s stuff and just the fact he was a little bonkers never bothered me. Watching that video and watching him work over that guitar did remind me of Jimi Hendrix a bit but Prince kept it in control and worked every corner of the box. I’ll have to go back and listen to his stuff again. He’ll be missed.

  5. Prince was always my favorite performer since I first heard him in the mid 70’s – there’s nobody b4 or after that can compare to the true all around musical ability n showmanship period. I was always looking forward to his next project – what an icon – he will absolutely be missed. Rest in peace !!!!!

  6. An all around musical genius.
    From what I’ve seen and read about him, he sounds like a good guy who just wanted his privacy.
    I’ll be toasting him tonight while I binge on YouTube.
    There’ll never be another one like him.

  7. I adored him, still do. His music was as brilliant as he was charmingly insane. He died of aids and knew it. I believed he swung the pendulum of extreams. Three days ago a blind item predicted his death. If I recall code word for aids in 80’s 90’s was complications from flu aka pneumonia.

  8. I saw him at The Fox Theater in Atlanta in 1998. Half the show was all his classic hits which was great (even did a medley of several of his hits because he had so many), the other half of the show was nothing more than screeching and noise.

    By the way, he just performed here in Atlanta (at The Fox Theater) just last week. It might have been his last concert.

  9. I like how Dhani Harrison lights up when Prince steps up to stage. And I like Tom Petty okay – but the energy and sound that Prince brings…it’s as though I was sleeping until he starts.

  10. Prince has always been talented in his profession. A few years behind Michael Jackson’s releases but shadowed only by Michael grabbing his sack. I never was on the Jackson train in the 80s and always had more fun with Prince’s music.

  11. Headline at Drudge says he had a drug problem. I am surprised by this but it fits the mold. He was extremely underweight – due to the drugs? He was also a vegetarian and a Jehovah Witness which he claimed he’d go door-to-door in his neighborhood handing out JW literature. I guess the stardom and looking at life the way it was for him he probably said it was time to check out. Rumor has it he had AIDS, but we won’t know until the autopsy report comes out – unless they seal it.

  12. The thing I like best about that video (aside from the fact that it contains some of my favorite musicians of all time playing one of my favorite songs of all time) is the way Prince cracked Dhani up.

  13. I’ve always admired the genius of Prince. When friends come from out of state I don’t take them to the Mall of America, I take them to where Prince lives.

    I live just a mile from where Graffiti Bridge used to stand. I was so pissed when they knocked it down to widen the road.

    RIP, Prince.

  14. to anonymous….about the empty beer can stealing the show from tom petty…..

    where’s YOUR show????

    tom petty is an american musician…he’s toadly american, and toadly great….made a couple gazillion dollars with only four chords…..let’s see YOU do that………

    i’ve been in love with tom petty’s music since 1976….that’s like, what, FORTY YEARS?????

    when did your first album come out?????

    no, i didn’t think so…..

    oh look….it’s another ID 10 T error……..dagnabbit, they seem to be ever-where, these days…..

  15. The guy was a phenomenally talented singer, songwriter, composer, musician and entertainer. His music was the soundtrack to my college years, especially SOTT and his “Black” album. RIP.

  16. we are losing them too fast………something is wrong……

    i want david bowie back……i want prince back….i want glenn frey back……..

    i want them all back…..something is wrong……

  17. why oh why are we not allowed to reply DIRECTLY to comments on this site???

    i would just like to say, that mr mxyzptlk is NOT the person we named our kitten after……..our kitten has nothing whatever in common with mr mxyzptlk……our kitten, mxyzptlk, is a loving and caring person who does not in any way share the revolting opinions of the aforesaid mr mxyzptlk………unless she finds him roaming around our home masquerading as a mouse…in which case he will get what’s coming to him, and i will scoop him out of he litter box a few days later…..unless it’s time to fill up the crawdad holes with used cat litter…..either way, he will meet an appropriate end…….

    there’s more than ONE way to banish you to your proper dimension!!!!

  18. I’m sorry but when this video first made the rounds, I was excited to see what all the fuss was about. I’m a semi-pro guitarist and I know he can play very well. THIS is not playing very well. This is a good deal of wanking off. There’s a difference between playing a great solo where you’re in tune with the rest of the band and then there’s wanking off. Behold Wanking.

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