Pro-Immigrant Group Runs Ugly Ad In Virginia Governor’s Race – IOTW Report

Pro-Immigrant Group Runs Ugly Ad In Virginia Governor’s Race

In what can only be considered a call for illegals to rush Virginia’s voting booths next week, an immigrant rights group, Latin Victory Fund, has started running a fear-mongering spot using minority children running from a heavy duty pickup truck bearing a confederate flag.

The ad clearly identifies Republican candidate for governor Ed Gillespie with Donald Trump and the effort to curb illegal immigration.



I left a comment on their YouTube post of the ad that Virginia has a voter  I.D. law.

26 Comments on Pro-Immigrant Group Runs Ugly Ad In Virginia Governor’s Race

  1. Go Make Your Own Country Great Again

    We don’t want you because you’ll bring your crime, drugs, corruption, mafia, drug-lords, and welfare needs with you.

    We have enough of that already!

  2. Is there another nation on the planet that would accept an organized effort to defraud the population of their country? There should be mass arrests and absolutely swift carrying out of justice. Public hanging or firing squads would be fine.

  3. Cute ad. But I can see it backfiring on them.

    VA’s photo Voter ID law is pretty good.
    The choice between Gillespie and Northam couldn’t be more clear.
    Black turnout typically collapses into total apathy on off-year elections like this one.
    There’s no black candidate to get excited about.
    There’s also no Obama DoJ to encourage wholesale Dem ballot fraud this time.

    It may be close, but my best guess is Gillespie. Maybe by a nose, but Gillespie.
    The Trump Effect should not be underestimated.

  4. Fine. No prob.
    Some Gillespie-supporting PAC can do an ad like this:

    SCENE: a generic public school
    PROPS: kids of “diverse” and white type
    ACTION: kids happily and peacefully playing outside. Bomb goes off. SWITCH SCENE to AntiFa bombers with “Northam (D) for Governor” stickers and flags HIGH FIVING each other

    VOICE OVER: “Is this the future virginians want to force on to our future?”

  5. Czar –

    Gillespie can use the same ad but when the kids hit the alley the Latino boy turns and says, ‘Dad ! Wow ! You stole a cool car!’
    Then the Muslim girl says, ‘Brother, your here too!’

    Boom !

  6. @hanoverfist

    Obviously my theme of tolerance and diversity and inclusivity has been lost on this hate mongering Lynch mob.

    Thanks for ignoring my idiotic ramblings.

    But seriously folks, there are few issues as important to me than the sanctity of the ballot box. If that is corrupted we have nothing. Nothing.

  7. Somrun an ad showing the Mexican school janitor swarthily mopping the floor and then he opens the broom closet and there’s a half naked 6 year old girl bound and gagged in it as he steps in and closes the door.

    That’s actually closer to the truth.

    Show a similar truck being driven by a Mexican drinking Modelo Especial before the screen goes dark and the screeching crash. A woman is horribly disfigured in the hospital as she discovers she was almost killed in a hit and run where the illegal fled the scene and didn’t have insurance.

    Both of those are more likely than their liberal blood libel.

  8. A hail mary, not even demoncrats are into the henry lee lucas clone candidate. northam has all the personality of a dead flashlight battery. His campaign has been more lack luster than hillery’s was. I see Eddy G. in the mansion the next 4.

  9. Just go to Manassas and take video of the immigrant areas. You will see many cars to a single family unit and lots of suspicious people walking around. Then have the camera crew trail some decoys around the area and watch them get robbed! That’s all you need, oh and mention Title 8 as well.

  10. With an ad like that, Democrats must really, really, really want Americans to hate them.

    A guy in a Confederate flag festooned pick-up, would be more likely running down a gaggle of corrupt politicians, than a bunch of kids.

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