Product Ad Will Be First To Show Menstrual Blood… Why? – IOTW Report

Product Ad Will Be First To Show Menstrual Blood… Why?

Next up.. Explicit DEPENDS commercials.

34 Comments on Product Ad Will Be First To Show Menstrual Blood… Why?

  1. “BFH, you were kind to whomever by leaving off the Hat Tip.”

    A busy guy. I send him a lot that never gets a HT. Do I care? No. More important to get valuable news out. I’d suggest discontinuing the HTs. But then again I don’t need my ego stroked.

  2. If your a guy and married you’ve seen menstrual blood. About 11 years ago, the wife was having problems with non stop bleeding. October 17. Day one of duck season. She’s not doing well even though she’s saying she’s fine while she’s laying in bed. I helped her up to get to the bathroom before I left for the duck club and the sheets looked like a murder scene. I scooped her up, carried her down stairs and through her in the truck and drove for the ER. Thee days of blood and then an emergency hysto. Doctor ordered 4 weeks in bed. At the end of week one, I can sleep in the motor home at the duck club, let’s go. What a woman.

  3. In yesteryear, people were squeamish about blood because they thought it was unsanitary but enlightened people now know blood is always clean and never a carrier of disease.

  4. Cool. Now, where’s the commercial for men?

    Yeah, men leak too. Up to middle age while abstaining for a bit. Pecker tracks with no products outside TP and underwear to mop them up; left dangling in the cold with heartless to banned to non-existent social response.

  5. Liberal leftie, socialistic, communistic degenerates will stop at nothing.
    Try to imagine their next shocking, provocative thriller…..I assure you, their non-stop shock-thriller will be beyond your wildest imagination.
    That’s my promise.

  6. IMHO, it all started with the Preparation H, then the “feminine hygiene” commercials. When nobody objected to those, then the floodgates opened.

    No pun intended, of course.


  7. I remember when Jack Parr got thrown off the air for mentioning WC. Water Closet, which meant toilet?
    I remember when the weatherman Uncle Wesby was canned for following up a news report about a rape. He was drunk and he said something like It’s such a beautiful night just lay back and enjoy it. That was way before Harvey Weinstein and Bill Clinton’s time. Long time ago. Damnit! I’m getting old.

  8. Gross. I remember when television actually used to be tasteful and light hearted and very enjoyable. I was a teenager back then…. today it is gross and disgusting.

  9. Just another step into modern vulgarity. This does nothing to elevate women, it objectifies them even more. My body and its processes DO NOT need to be displayed to the world.

  10. “Just because you CAN doesn’t mean you SHOULD.”
    I guess there are some 12 y/o boys, somewhere, jerking off over this.
    Or some Hollyweird producers gobbling Viagra and screwing toddlers while this plays on their 100″ Flat Screens.
    “Another Brick in the Wall”
    Just one more coarsening of the “culture.”
    One more crack in the foundation of civility.
    A steady jackhammer can reduce a concrete edifice to dust just as effectively as can a charge of TNT.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Gross. Nobody needs to see that. Does not make me want to buy that product. I’ll stick to the ones that use tasteful blue liquid to show how absorbent they are. The bloody ad above does nothing to show how the product might possibly be useful. Who wants a pad from a company that shows ruined underwear? Duh.

  12. Feminazis claim women are equal. Then something like this comes along implying women need help with this issue because they’re too stupid to figure it out themselves? Shame on any news outlet who runs this commercial. Another reason our TV is rarely turned on.

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