Professor Supports Euthanizing Disabled Children Because “Parents are Harmed Seeing Their Child Suffer” – IOTW Report

Professor Supports Euthanizing Disabled Children Because “Parents are Harmed Seeing Their Child Suffer”

The U.S. assisted-suicide movement pretends to want a limited legalization of assisted suicide to competent adults with a terminal illness.
That’s not true. It’s just the expedient to persuade us to accept the premise that suicide or killing is an acceptable solution to human suffering.
If we ever do that — the jury is still out — then, the killing license thereby granted will not only expand way beyond the terminally ill, but will eventually also include children and the incompetent.
The evidence of this isn’t hard to find. Case in point. Pediatrics asked Dutch and American bioethicists whether they would support repealing all age limits for euthanasia in the Netherlands — as the Belgians already have. (Currently, euthanasia in the Netherlands is legal starting at age 12.)
If American advocates were serious about their espoused limits, they would be appalled by the existing Dutch law, and even more so by the Pediatrics hypothetical proposal.
But at least one prominent U.S. proponent — Margaret P. Battin, a favored source on the issue for the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets — is enthusiastically in favor of the Dutch doing away with all euthanasia age limits...
It’s a very big deal that a respected Dutch medical journal such as Pediatrics hosted a debate on the ethical propriety of child euthanasia without international criticism. It means that among the medical intelligentsia, child euthanasia has become a respectable proposition.
For those with eyes to see, let them see.

ht/ a friend

44 Comments on Professor Supports Euthanizing Disabled Children Because “Parents are Harmed Seeing Their Child Suffer”

  1. Hmmm, this would be a way to get rid of a certain suffering politician who won’t concede that he or she (as the case may be) lost an election.

    High school basketball team suffers shocking tournament loss. Euthanize them.

    Kid distraught over death of goldfish? Euthanasia for her.

    Dr Batty suffers from god complex? Euthanasia for Batty Mattie.

  2. What in the hell?! Has this world slipped though a worm hole or something, back to seriously considering eugenics again?! What’s next, phrenology and bloodletting? Or worse? If the subject is human suffering, what would not be up for consideration?

  3. As a mother of a special needs son and a medical professional—I have no words. “Pediatrics” and “The Journal of Pediatrics” are extreme liberal rags to start with. (They support FGM). After looking at Margaret Battin, I support euthanasia of ugly people. It is too early to be coherent and I am too nauseated as well. Evil is winning

  4. “What in the hell?! Has this world slipped though a worm hole or something, back to seriously considering eugenics again?! ”

    The Left never stopped considering it.

  5. Funny how the pro-euthanasia Left never ever ever leads by exampleand offs themselves.

    That tells you one of two things about them. Either they consider themselves far too important to die, because they’re the ones that have to keep preaching this message of death, or they don’t really believe it and just want children murdered. Take your pick.

  6. They view humanity with the same cold efficiency as some animal breeders trying for some select characteristics, those that are produced without them are cast aside {euthanized}.
    They are such charming folks to share the world with.

  7. This has been gaining steam in the Netherlands since some time, and if I recall correctly there’s even a saying attributed to elderly people who flee to German care centers because they fear Dutch doctors killing them, or they carry cards in their home country that say, “Please, doctor, don’t kill me.”

    The world is hanging on its axis incorrectly when people are fleeing to Germany to keep from being killed off.

  8. I don’t know what the issue is. We treat our beloved pets with more compassion and love than we do our parents and loved ones watching them, too often, rot in nursing homes, with substandard, even cruel, care whenever we are not “looking,” confused and incontinent, unable to feed themselves and we wait and wait and wait for them, suffering, finally, to die. Nice, eh? Because “only God can take a life?

    I doubt we will ever find “the line” in the legal sense Fur wants. It will be different for all — and should be. Love and compassion should be “the line” and different for all people depending upon their beliefs and conditions.

    Increasingly, rather than “killing people off,” the old and the disabled and mentally ill, will be wearhoused, a “profit center” for a facility that gets X bucks every month for people fed through tubes and rotated on spits a couple of times a day so the bed sores don’t get too bad. And — trust me! — they will not be treated with care and love!

    Life is good when life is good! When it’s not, say good night.
    ….Lady in Red

    PS: Does anyone here think Nikolas Cruz, the confused and demented kid who not only murdered, but rubbed dead birds against his cock and ballls in class at school is going to “get better,” find love and happiness and meaning in life? The answer is NO! And I’m not up for the whining that I “don’t really know,” maybe he will exceed the wonder of Mozart’s piano sonatas or….. Just because we don’t wish to confront reality — and the good — does not mean it is not out there, only that we are cowards.

  9. @Lady in Red: Good points all. Still, it’s one thing to pull the plug on a brain-dead parent; quite another when they can look you in the eye while you sign the consent form to have them put down.

    I couldn’t do it, but I’m not going to judge anyone who can.

  10. VietVet…..Last summer, I “pulled the plug” on my dog, the most wonderful gorgeous, enormous, all white, regal Great Pyrenees in the world, Myrrhine. She was only six, but riddled with cancer, losing half her body weight rapidly.

    I was with her when the Angel of Death came with the injections, the tranquilizer first and, then, she seemed to need another injection to die. I did not cry until it was over and she lay, peacefully, at my feet, and, then, I just shook and sobbed.

    Myrrhine was a “good” dog, a rescue, and she deserved more than six years on this earth — and she loved life wonderfully, chasing coyotes and guarding her two sheep sisters, Good and Evil.

    Could I have pushed it, waited until the dog was suffering more? The vet said so. How much time? Hell, I could have just watched her wither to nothingness, unable to eat, vomitiing her guts up regularly, I suppose.

    I have never “put down” a child, but I don’t expect it is much different than the pain I felt losing — killing! –Myrrhine, which still persists.
    …..Lady in Red

  11. What’s is it with women named Margaret? (Sanger, Battin)

    I believe in life, from conception to natural death. Anyone who has never held the hand of a loved one in their final moments does not understand the honor involved. After a recent move to flyover country, I now live near my parents, who are in their 80s. The are active and healthy now, but when they no longer are, I will be there to take care of them. They escorted me into this world, and it will be my honor to be with them as they exit. I read in a Big Book somewhere, “Honor thy and mother, that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.”

  12. I wonder what they would do if a “gender confused” or “gender dysphoria”, or a disapointed homo kid, wanted to be euthanized. Would they permit it to kill itself? Would they acknowledge it is reasonable to kill yourself if afflicted with one of those curses or would they try everything they could to keep it alive?

  13. Hmmm … the whole concept of “Life not worth Living” is always discussed among the living, not the dead: nor is it discussed with those who are about to die.

    Funny how that works, isn’t it?

    I’LL decide whether or not YOUR life is worth living.
    With whom shall I begin?
    John McCain?
    Barry Obola?

    Who is of NO USE to me? That is the only relevant question.

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. My mother and grandmother had strokes within a week of each other. They had to stay in a nursing home, which luckily was very very good.

    My grandmother was mentally competent and made her own decision to stop eating – it was the only way she could escape the hell of being trapped in her own body, unable to move. As her legal guardian, they asked me for permission to put a feeding tube in. I looked her in the eye and she shook her head “no”. It was one of the hardest decisions I ever had to make but I had to respect her desires and let her go with as much dignity as possible. She passed peacefully a month later.

    My mother wasn’t so “lucky”. She wasn’t able to move or communicate with anything more than a raised eyebrow and rarely reacted to anything. I went to her bedside nearly every day for TWO YEARS. She didn’t recognize me, laying there looking off into space. She was just ‘on hold’ until nature took its course. I hope and pray she WASN’T really aware and I curse the way I was helpless in her need.

    I told my wife if I’m ever in a condition that there was no chance of recovery and she could do so without putting herself in jeapordy, I want her to help me go, and she wants the same. If my child had a terminal disease, is in the same unresponsive condition, or in unremitting pain, it would be extremely difficult to let them go, but no matter how much I don’t want to lose them, it would be more compassionate.

    After saying that, it’s a very rare 12-year-old who’s competent to make that decision. They don’t have a real concept of death – that if they choose euthanasia there’s no coming back, no “respawn”, it’s forever. I don’t know what the answer is, but I certainly don’t want ANY outsider to have the power to make that decision for me or for them. Bureaucrats looking at the bottom line couldn’t care less about you or your loved ones.

  15. Without doubt caring for terminally ill children is extremely difficult.
    24/7, month after month sleepless nights, demanding days, fear of the unknown, praying for healing, anticipation of the inevitable and knowing you have no control over the event unfolding before your eyes. You are depleted emotionally, physically and spiritually.

    As difficult as the task is, the love given and received is the greatest Blessing I have ever received.

  16. Phuzzy, I think refusing a feeding tube or other life extending measures is totally different from, “Relax, now, while I insert this needle. Won’t hurt a bit, and you’ll be dead in less than 2 min.”

    And what a great son you are, going to see your mom for two years, even when you got no glint of recognition back from her. You went anyway, because why? Because MAYBE she knew you were there. Maybe. You don’t know. But regardless, you did not leave her alone. That is honoring your mother.

    We had a different situation with my mother-in-law, who had her wits about her to the end. When she was in hospice, she started having circulation problems in her legs. We asked if she should wear support hose. The nurse’s response: Not necessarily. She should do it only if she wants to.

    Mother-in-law didn’t want to. So, no support hose, but plenty of support…and love, and visits from friends, and family prayer time, and promises made for the futures of the kids and grandkids, and gratitude for our time together, and amazement that God somehow saw fit to put our souls together in one family, and — though it was awful to watch her last breaths — feeling closer to God. My mother-in-law led the way for all of us, trusting God every moment of her transition from this world to the next.

  17. I witnessed on a recent cruise an elderly couple taking care of their paraplegic son. How they let him on the ship I don’t know. He was wheeled around in a bed, he could not talk only eye movement. They brought him to the buffet and fed him through tubes. They poured the liquid down the tube and I had to leave. I don’t know if the parents were suffering because their child was their burden to carry. To be honest, the guy was dead in so many ways. American Indians left their deformed children in the woods and walked away. I have mixed feelings about it.

  18. I wrote here, a bit ago, “the line” is a personal one. It is easy for some to sneer and ridicule others and to assume all have the unlimited capacity to endure both physical and emotional suffering. It is easy to assume that all will have loving children and tens if not hundreds of friends to visit “in the home” staring at vacant eyes. It is easy to assume that all will have the strength and endless capacity to devote their lives to a child requiring eternal care. Some cannot — and should not.

    But, judge on, all you loving people. …..Lady in Red

  19. @Lady in Red — From a Christian standpoint, we have an obligation to not allow animals in our care to suffer. As ever much that we truly love our pets, they are animals, not people. So to compare them directly to people — again, from a Biblical standpoint — would not be correct.

    As ever much as we hate to watch a loved one, a human, suffer, it is not up to us to put them out of their suffering. We don’t know and have no way to know what work is going on within the soul of that person in their darkest physical hours. So long as there is breath in their body there is hope of salvation for them. Or maybe the salvation isn’t necessary for the loved one, but it allows God the opportunity, through them, to save those who care for them.

    If anyone is undecided about assisted suicide/euthanasia, please read this linked piece by I hope some of the scripture passages will clear this question up or be a start of your quest for the truth.

    Lady in Red, I understand your grief for Myrrhine. I do. I still grieve the loss of my dear Axel (20 pound tuxedo kitty who got me through some tough times) who I sent to kitty heaven some 20+ years ago. I hope you find greater solace than grief in knowing you were the bestest “mom dog” in the world for your friend.

    Love and Hugs to you, friend.

  20. Abigail….. I toyed, intellectually, as a teen, both with suicide and with having the courage to rush into a school building with an “active shooter” to save others. Tough questions! I donated my body to Harvard (the only way I’d ever get in…. ….smile..) in my early 20’s.

    I’ve always been enamored of “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley, a friend of R.L Stevenson and upon whom the character of Long John Silver was patterned. Henley suffered a lot of both physical and emotional pain and, finally, he committed suicide:

    My husband and I were both members of The Hemlock Society, years ago.

    I know there is a God-spirit in us all. (Frankly, I see more of it in animals than I do in people these days.) ….but I’m less a believer in the rules in “the book” than I am in the God who helps and sustains me and from whom I gather strength. “She” speaks without rules, just loving care. ….smile….

    I wish we could be more tolerant of those who find God in different ways.
    …..Lady in Red

  21. Lady in Red — Just a little background on me for your consideration: I took a very circuitous route to finding the one and true living God, Jesus Christ. Having been that route — and truly believing my earlier beliefs — I have had the opportunity to compare. And before I was fortunate to arrive at the conclusion that “the book” is the final word, so to speak, I was what today is called a smorgesbord believer — picking and choosing what worked for me and throwing out what I didn’t think, did. It happens. It’s so predictable for people like me who are stiff-necked, independent and skeptical.

    In the end, after all the comparing and cynicism and unwillingness to obey and give up my sin (“What sin? I’m basically a good person!”), and after listening to better minds than mine on the subject and praying to God for help, I believe this above all else: John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

    Jesus Christ was a real person who lived on earth and preached the truth of His Father in Heaven; who preached the truth of His own deity. This is historical fact backed up by tens of thousands of pages of apostolic witness maintained by verifiable manuscripts.

    All said: As a Christian, there is only one way to find God; through Jesus Christ. On that particular point I am very intolerant of finding God through other means. However, I also know that there are almost an infinite number of ways that one may come to the Christian God and no Christian is in a position to judge what road that might be, we are just grateful for that. For Saul of Tarsus, that road was a literal road. 🙂

    Love, Abigail

  22. I followed a path much like Abigail’s. I knew there was a God spirit in us, but thought I needed no direction on how to leverage it. Then I read that dreaded “book of rules” and found out how far off base I was. Don’t knock that book of rules until you’ve read it, Lady in Red, cover-to-cover. It isn’t so much a “book of rules” as it is a love letter from your Creator. You are the only Lady in Red he (ok, for you…she) ever has or ever will create, and you are adored.

  23. My mom is almost 93 and has severe dementia and my Dad just died on Feb.12 at 88 from complications due to COPD. Two of my brothers and I along with a niece have been taking care of her when we’re not working. It’s been extremely difficult and hard to take care of my mom lately but there is no way we would ever consider euthanizing her, Fred the cat maybe since he’s 16 and is on his last legs. We’re trying to get her into a facility that can take care of her since we can’t provide all the care she needs for her dementia and hopefully soon will be able to and that’s hard as well but she needs specialized care we cant provide so we’re all sharing mom duty right now and it’s extremely difficult since all we’ve been doing lately is working and taking care of her. I have tonight off but will be up there tomorrow unless my niece can take care of her so I can get some things done around my house. People who want to euthanize their elderly parents because they’re inconvenient or anyone else with a special need are soulless ghouls as far as I am concerned. If you want to talk about inconvenience come see me and my brothers and my niece, we’ll gladly do it because it’s the right thing to do even though it’s a major league pain in the butt. My parents took care of us for 18 years, it’s our turn to pay it back convenient or not.

  24. My parents were married 65 + years having been married since June 1, 1952. And I just turned 65 last Sunday. They worked awful fast back in those days cranking out 4 boys in 5 years from 1953-1958. And my late wife’s family had 10 kids (one was stillborn) from 1954-1968.

  25. Geoff….. This is a personal decision and one you and your family have made “even though it is a major league pain in the butt.”

    I am sure that your mother is filled with childlike excitement about the new facility and the “specialized care” she will be getting, soon, and is grateful that, now, you are giving her so much joy and happiness in life, just as she gave you for eighteen years. I am sure this is not only what you and your family want, but what your mother wants, as well.

    And, really, it is, mostly, about what your mother wants, and the fun and the wonder and the pleasure she gets out of living every day.
    ….Lady in Red

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