Progress Made With Hoverboard Technology – IOTW Report

Progress Made With Hoverboard Technology

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I don’t know how things like hoverboards could peacefully exist in a lawsuit crazy society. Drones are testing laws. Can you imagine a person on the drone, and then a city filled with them?


14 Comments on Progress Made With Hoverboard Technology

  1. ALLLL built, for the masses who deny self-governance.
    Don’t want to?
    We’ll do it externally.
    And spend your earned money to fund it.
    And make you hate the fact you refuse to govern yourselves.
    Yep, I said it.

  2. Smart fella. But he had help. After all the government built the roads If it weren’t fer the roads and the Post Office he couldn’ta
    got nottin’ done. Right Barry?

  3. Ducting the blades should add little weight, and make it safer for Fingers McGurk. Most importantly, the drag and loss of efficiency at the blade tips would be mo’ betta’.

    But I really don’t care, I don’t even want one…

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