Progressive Professor Gets a Taste of Progressivism – No Likey – IOTW Report

Progressive Professor Gets a Taste of Progressivism – No Likey


Let me start this post by saying Tucker Carlson throws a bone to this guy and it’s a little off-putting.

At the end he says “Godspeed” to this jerk. No, he should have been as cordial and polite as he was to the man and at the end said, “you reap what you sow. Now go rot in hell.”

This is about a Washington college in Olympia that demanded all white people leave the campus for a day. The professor wouldn’t. He was then attacked by activist students, called a racist and called to resign under physical threats. The cops were called because people feared for his safety.

The dean of the school is off hiding under some desk and has relinquished control of the campus to the mob.

Who created these students?


This is like a science fiction movie where idiots in white lab coats, despite the protests of more reasonable and lucid colleagues, program computers that could potentially turn on the programmers, and everyone else in the wake of their stupidity, and destroy the world.

Well, here we are.

Why would we say “Godspeed” to anyone of this ilk?

This is not a personal journey being endured by this lone progressive a$$hole. We all suffer because of the leftist agenda.

Carlson’s little sendoff is an insult to anyone that understands the gravity of where we are as a society because of this dipchit constantly engraining into easily manipulated minds that this is the most oppressive country in the world, and repeating it will get you a sugar cube, pat on the head, gold star and an A. The kiddies are so wild-eyed now with the endorphin rush of virtue signaling that they’ve turned on their programmers.

Carlson’s throwaway line sounds like  a guy who is in a comfortable enough station in life where he can transcend this destruction.

Not cool Carlson. I champion you as a major voice. Indiscretions like these, if they mount up, will cause me to abandon you.

Shape up.

30 Comments on Progressive Professor Gets a Taste of Progressivism – No Likey

  1. I guess Tucker could always say he was being ironic.

    I just want to see more of an “in your face” hardline stance with these progressives.
    We don’t need Carlson welcoming them on his show and offering any sort of compassion or empathy.
    I’m a fanatic that way and pretty much stopped watching Fox because of it.
    Carlson is my last hope for that station.

    I want to hang in there with him, and get worried when I see these sorts of cracks in the armor.

  2. That was calm dialogue with a Prog goofball that illuminated the Nazi Left and how out of control it is. His whole explanatory paradigm of Leftist superiority just got murdered.

    It’s the best that can be hoped for on a TV show.

    Where is their leader, Kim Jong Un’s missile program today? Do we have two aircraft carrier battle groups surrounding Evergreen College?

  3. Saw this. I too thought Carlson was far too empathetic with this Leftist who now is receiving the very Great Leap Forward/Gramsci Long March/Red Guards treatment he has spent his lifetime fomenting.
    He’s no wiser, he’s not sorry, he’s just hoping for cops to rescue him from his rabid young black-racist Frankenstein’s.

    As for Carlson, I’ve never been able to like his amiable-RINO act. Carlson was born into lifelong affluent privilege and, like so many trust fund babies, is so exceedingly rich that this is all a game to him.
    Which is why he comes off, in middle age, like a high school debater assigned a topic he’s sublimely indifferent about and can argue glibly either way.
    He’s made a cushy TV niche for himself for decades because he knows exactly what flavor of bland vanilla gee-whiz RINO “conservatism” to peddle, and how to please his Lefty corporate bosses.
    He’s the perfect prime time hire for The New FOX. Note his constant anti-Trump and pro-Uniparty messages in virtually every sentence.
    By Christmas, Carlson will be calling on Trump to “resign now” for the sake of the party, and the nation.

  4. I don’t get the outrage at Tucker. The only clue that the Professor was a progressive was when he said he was (and where he worked). Yes, he was a victim of progressivism, that much was obvious, even to the prof., but Tucker didn’t need to throw bricks at HIM. If Tucker had beat this guy up (which would have been easy) he would have come off as an asshole. On the other hand, it is nice when a “deeply committed progressive” is hoisted on his own petard.

  5. If Tucker lambasts every single Leftist shithead that shows up pretty soon they will stop coming.
    He has to be civil to a select few so he can keep the fodder coming.

  6. I really like Tucker, but it was off-putting to see him say “Godspeed” at the end of that segment. Is the pressure from the left getting to him? Because he also apologized in an earlier segment about how he reacted to some left-wing nag he had on a couple of months ago. In the end she was reduced to calling him names and making faces because she’d lost the debate. DO NOT APOLOGIZE for crying out loud!

    One more thing about Tucker – I wish he would pronounce the word “rather” like an every day kind of Joe. Not like an upper-crust hobnobbing snob would say it – “Rawtha”. Puke.

  7. Evergreen has been the model for many progressive colleges around the country – – no grades, students create their own curriculum, etc. People I grew up with are some of the first graduates of that commie institution and their minds are forever disconnected from reality.

  8. I wouldn’t send my golden retriever Indie to Evergreen State College. She’d be guaranteed to come back home as a rabid leftie. ESC is a big joke in Wash. state as far as state funded colleges go. My niece went there and she was already a leftie and feminazi even before going there and now she works for the state of Wash., go figure.

  9. Fur, it’s not even Tucker being “ironic;” it sounded to me like he just wanted to ROYALLY P!SS OFF the jerk wad…”kill ’em with kindness” and all.

  10. For the uninitiated Saint Pancake was a libtard chick named Rachel Corrie who got herself run over by a large caterpillar tractor while protesting in Israel for the Palestinians, they flattened her like a pancake when she wouldn’t move and get out of their way during a illegal occupation of an Israeli construction project.

  11. I was getting the same upsetting feeling and was perturbed by his over the top empathy for this leftist tool…yes, a leftist progressive, could he be anything else being employed at this brainwashing institution? These fools created this monster and are surprised that it has turned on them! Tucker should have ended the segment by asking: ” How does it feel to be what Stalin referred to as a “useful idiot?”

  12. When will colleges start using their campus security and police to bust some heads with protestors and rioters disrupting classes and the education of real students?

    Probably never, so I will laugh heartily when they burn the campus down. Seeing Stanford, Harvard, Yale, Princeton, and a few others engulfed in flames as the administration does nothing will be just priceless. It is coming. Just like idiotic blacks getting enraged and looting and then burning down their own cities, I see the radical Leftist students going off the deep end.

    Let’s help them out by conducting ICE raids on college campuses to provoke the response and we can watch them self-immolate. It would end a lot of the higher education indoctrination.

  13. Tucker has two types of interactions he has with his guests. Sympathetic interviews or hostile debates. This was clearly one of the first. I watch Tucker and enjoy him but he’s by no means going to be Fox’s savior. That might be Jessie Waters. Waters would have pointed out that the good Professor helped create this mess.
    I can’t wait for some of these snow flake ass holes to enter the work force. A lot of them or going to be getting their asses kicked.

  14. I detest
    liberal/commie/leftist/racist/blm/antifa/occupier/feminazi/enviroweenie/one-world progtards.
    And it is true that academia is churning them out at an alarming rate.
    But in this case the professor is correct.

  15. @BFH: Sorry to disagree, but I think Carlson played this one perfectly. How do you convert a Leftist professor to the Right side after he admits he is beginning to question his core beliefs – by kicking him in the teeth and saying he got what he deserved? Or by encouraging him to continue to enlighten himself and others of his ilk? And now he can go back and tell his fellow academicians how kindly he was treated by a member of the hated Conservatives, and that maybe they aren’t the demons he once thought they were. Individuals like this professor can be a powerful force to change the opinions of the Leftists, and they should be encouraged to do so.

    What I’m saying here is, we have to try to convert these people – there’s too many to kill them all.


  16. I didn’t read everything yet, but I got the gist of Fur’s desire and I was going to post something similar to Vietvet’s

    You don’t open someone’s eye’s by piling on and driving them away.

    You relate on common ground so they see your side as reasonable – maybe for the first time – just maybe he could see that the conservatism is based in truth and reason.

    I know it’s lame here, but Jesus has it right for this too. Draw him over with love.

    Hate and anger is useful for pushing someone away. He’s getting that from , ostensibly, his own side.

  17. I agree with VVet: Tucker played it well.

    Moreover, the poor prof was shell-shocked. It was as though he’d just crawled out of a fox hole. He was not in good shape.

    He is learning. Soon, he will be one of us. ….smile….
    ….Lady in Red

  18. I disagree with Dadof4, respectfully. I don’t think there is hope for these bast@rts period. They are almost all purely insane. The rest are just plain Nazis and haters of logic and liberty for anyone other than them.

  19. @ Owl. So why did you leave VV out? Same sentiment.

    You may be right, but nothing can ever change then. Maybe I’m foolish or a romantic, but I have hope until death makes it impossible.

    I’ve turned more than one fool that has visited here, and it wasn’t through hatefulness.

  20. @Owl Ears: Not that you should place any particular importance to it, but here’s a quote from a Middle Iron Age religious book which you might find instructive in circumstances such as this:

    “For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.”

  21. Evergreen State College is a daycare facility. I was born and raised in Olympia and was there when it all began. What a joke. Trust me, no employer who needs someone with any technical skill hires their “grads”.

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