Progressive Shep Smith Argues With CIA Expert About Doctors Without Borders – IOTW Report

Progressive Shep Smith Argues With CIA Expert About Doctors Without Borders

You have to see the clip to appreciate just how insufferably libtarded and, frankly, dead wrong Shep Smith is about this issue.

Shep argues that doctors have taken an oath to help any person in peril, without judgement.

Yes, Shep, you’re right. But here’s where you are wrong.

The game must come to you, you don’t go to the game.

A doctor has taken an oath to help, say, a guy who was just shot by the police after he intentionally ran over a playground full of children.

There is no oath that says a doctor shall be compelled to knowingly seek out areas that have enemy combatants of the United States in order to help them. They aren’t just stumbling upon these injured. They are LOOKING for them, choosing to help because it’s part of their agenda. Doctors Without Borders is a far left-wing group. They are pro-Palestinian, and as we can see now, they are pro-Taliban.


Shepard Smith lectured his guest on doctors assisting the Taliban at an Afghan hospital calling them “so called terrorists.”

Smith told Katz Taliban members should be treated and released back in the field to kill more Americans.

12 Comments on Progressive Shep Smith Argues With CIA Expert About Doctors Without Borders

  1. Shep loses credibility when he shows up on air with a do me, do me now tee shirt and cut off blue jeans cut so high his ass checks are hanging out. Larry, Moe, and Curly never pulled that shit. WTF?

  2. Twinkle Toes Stephanopolous has been pounding Schlep Smith hard on their mid-town, midnight, rendevous’. Schlep needs to change the soiled bed sheets more often.

    Schlep, Stephanopolous, and a homeless black junkie former personal trainer, recruited off a Central Park bench…. all lying in semen…. gross. Schlep has anal pain radiating upward.

  3. “Everybody hit the floor or take refuge in their storm shelters, or go below ground to a bunker. It’s a meteorite fixing to crash into New York City right where I’m standing. I can’t leave, cause I might win a Pulitzer for reporting this event.” – Shep Smith.

  4. read Tom Kratman’s book series called Carnifex. At least in those books the protagonist knows how to properly deal with Leftist media and Leftist NGO’s. Just sayin’….

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