Progressive Talk Show Host Goes After Hillary… And It Probably Damages Him More Than Hillary – IOTW Report

Progressive Talk Show Host Goes After Hillary… And It Probably Damages Him More Than Hillary

The unfunny, marginally talented Trevor Noah actually had a moment of honesty and called out Hillary Clinton for not being able to take responsibility for when she does horrible things – a charge the right has been making about Hillary since the 80s.


Pointing to the New York Times’ Friday report that Clinton protected a campaign faith adviser after discovering he’d allegedly sexually assaulted a fellow staffer, Noah said that Clinton was on the “wrong side” of the #MeToo movement.

“Look, there’s a few areas that I don’t necessarily expect Hillary Clinton to nail it,” Noah explained. “Managing emails, visiting Wisconsin, you know, weaknesses. But I won’t lie, I expected standing up for a woman on her staff to be one of her strengths. So, the story is disturbing. Hillary learned that one of her female staffers was being harassed and instead of the man getting fired, the woman got reassigned?”

Noah added that it seems like Clinton’s attempting to “dodge all the blame,” and instead, wants to “present herself as always having been on” the woman’s side, noting that it just “doesn’t fly.”

“Not only did the woman get reassigned, but this guy, Burns Strider, he went on to get another job in Democratic politics—where he got fired for doing the same thing to other women,” he added. “So you could argue that if Hillary had fired him, she would have been protecting many women instead of just herself.”


I’m not throwing a parade for Noah, because this posturing of his goes nowhere. There won’t be any marches, kneeling, or any kind of movement to banish Hillary. Noah made his concern face, made an enemy of Hillary (he better watch his back) and hypocritical leftism will carry on.

The #MeToo movement will find some hapless dope to scapegoat, and Hillary will be reading fictitious quotes about Trump’s sexual misconduct on the Cable Ace Awards.

She’ll get a standing O from mouth breathing morons in $1800 suits, while some skank services a producer in the men’s bathroom in order to get a role on a Showtime Original.


13 Comments on Progressive Talk Show Host Goes After Hillary… And It Probably Damages Him More Than Hillary

  1. A couple of years ago I watched a video of Trevor Noah from several years ago, doing stand-up. He was relatively new to USA from South Africa, was fairly funny but also very appreciative of what America has, sounded almost libertarian or Republican. But I guess when you are surrounded by lefties and your paycheck is dependent on them you become one.

  2. Want to find out who the real racists are, Trevor? Wander off Massah’s plantation.

    Hint, hint: It’s the same ones wearing #MeToo ribbons who either raped or enabled raping actresses in Hollywood since the first casting couch.

    Now bask in the revelation of what an ungrateful negro you are.

  3. “I expected standing up for a woman on her staff to be one of her strengths.”

    Standing up? The Queen of the Leaning Stool? The Boss of the Bollard? The Princess of the Pillow? Standing up?

    hahahahahahahahahhaaa, good one, Trevor.

  4. Weaponizing comedy.

    He’s right, but the political preaching is not what people tune in for.

    Glad SOMEONE said it, but should be pointed out by the many news gossip shows out there.

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