Project Veritas Goes Undercover And Tackles Covid Vaccine Coverups – IOTW Report

Project Veritas Goes Undercover And Tackles Covid Vaccine Coverups

26 Comments on Project Veritas Goes Undercover And Tackles Covid Vaccine Coverups

  1. I am petrified of dentists. Probably because my first dentist was Buffalo Bob’s great, great grandson and he believed that his aim with one shot of novocaine was laser precise. He was usually wrong….

    I need some dental work. Could use a sugary or two on some extremities, but I don’t trust doctors or the health industry to not give me the civid shot while I’m drugged up and more goofy then normal….This Covid shit has allowed the whole medical community to be suspect…..

  2. You will cry. You will be aghast. You will likely get angry. You will want to shake some sense into your loved ones.

    While my faith is in Jesus, I will fight this evil in any way I am able every day. Say your prayers every day…..this is going to get worse.

  3. If you have to be persuaded, reminded pressured, lied to, incentivized, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt-tripped, threatened, punished and criminalized … If all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance — you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest. – Ian Watson

  4. I have been screaming that it’s a death jab since before the first one was given. All you had to do was read the studies using mRna on animals. Far too many refuse(d) to listen, including my own family members. Oh, that’s crazy they said and say, doctors wouldn’t tell you to get it, the government can’t allow something they know will kill you. I don’t want to die from covid. I don’t want to get sick. My doctor told me to get it, that I either get it or I die from covid that’s my choices. My doctor said it’s safe that the FDA doesn’t allow vaccines that aren’t safe. I’ve heard it all.

    Even after 3 family members have died, those who got it and didn’t die say it can’t be the vaccine, you’re crazy. So that’s 3 deaths I know for sure not reported. The nursing home my mother was in lost only two patients during the year they were locked up. The same week my mom died from the damn vaccine 3 other patients died. By the time she died they had lost 1/4 of their patients, the only thing different was the shots they gave them, but all of them were said to have just died from old age.
    When hospice came in the hospice nurse I don’t think really understanding what she was saying told of another nursing home who had lost half of their patients in the last two months. She was blaming it on covid, yet what had changed was the shots.
    A physical therapist I talked to and was questioning about my mother, told me it was so sad all of these people were dying and she thought it was because of them not getting to see their family for a year, so they just held on long enough to see them again. Her I did ask have you ever thought it might just be the shots? Oh no she said, the shots were to save them.
    Sadly, they were the canary in the mine, the first to get them, but their deaths were just wrote off as they were old.

    I hope all of these people pay for what they’ve done.

  5. I sent this link to my 34 year old daughter, who got an unnecessary vax after she recovered from a pretty bad bout of covid. I told her to PLEASE do not get the booster. She called me a DoomScroller and that the internet is full of lies. It was wasted on her. I said, All I want is for you to be around for your children and your husband. She said they weren’t getting the vax. I quit saying anything after that.

  6. If you take this shit, with all of the information available on the adverse side effects, you are obviously in the shallow end of the gene pool.

    As several others have stated, I have sent numerous links from PhD virologists, one who ran one of these R&D departments for decades, to doubters and they refuse to listen.

    Bye bye

  7. It’s on the internet, it must be true. OMG, this is better than the comic section of the sunday paper. It you have a hair-brain idea or theory you have come to the right place, the internet. You’ll find all kinds of fellow supporters for any & everything you can think of.

  8. @Deplorable 2nd Class: The jab has been out for some time now. BFH did a poll a couple of weeks ago on how many got the jab. It was overwhelmingly non-jabbers vs the jabbed. I don’t think I would be able to handle the daily stress of living not knowing if I was going to drop dead from the jab, or suffer daily with anxiety. I have enough anxiety with the government trying to kill me. I know people who got the jab, they are not at peace with themselves. IMHO, that’s worse than the jab itself.

  9. @Beachmom: “We have to send it to everyone. Even state legislators and guvs.”

    I sent it out to my email list, and I also posted it on Fakebook. Pretty sure I’ll get banned for posting it. Don’t really care. If it reaches 1 person, it was worth it. Many eyes are being opened up, we now have the “scared $hitless” people to deal with. BTW, that Gabby chick who went missing was a basket case — I bet she got the jab and that’s what stressed her out. Watched a full cop body cam of her and her boyfriend fighting. It was Gabby who was the attacker. I wonder how many will use the jab as an excuse to act out….it’s coming! 30% of Americans are insane? I believe it.

  10. Beachmom, I have sent links to reporters that cover the Chinese flu as well as various state reps from the Gov on down. Never once has it been noted in any kind of reply.

    You get the same silly ass logic about the internet that the asshole @ 9:34 spouted. One man was the head of Phizer’s vaccination R&D department for many years. He’s developed numerous vaccinations and is the farthest thing in the world from an anti-vaxxer. He says that the Covid vaccinations, in all of their iterations, should be halted. Immediately.

    Lord if that doesn’t give you pause, go fucking ahead. Stay current on your boosters too. You’re wasting valuable oxygen my parrot needs.

  11. Who says, “Vaccine is full of shit”? This hospital sounds like it’s on the Res. I know a ton of people that have gotten the Jab. Including myself. My arm didn’t even get sore. Obviously something is going on. I have a buddy that has a theory that they “THEY” are targeting people regionally. Somethings going on, and you automatically get suspicious when “THEY” are so tight lipped. Let’s waterboard Fauci.

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