Projection of the YEAR: Rep. Adam Schiff wishes Trump would stop obsessing about impeachment efforts – IOTW Report

Projection of the YEAR: Rep. Adam Schiff wishes Trump would stop obsessing about impeachment efforts

Doug Powers: This is nothing short of a combination of hilarious, insane, pathetic and delusional:

Adam Schiff @RepAdamSchiff

Donald Trump is out championing the idea of his own impeachment to rally his supporters — let him. Democrats should keep their focus on the economy and a return to decency. Let the investigations run their course before reaching any conclusion. 


6 Comments on Projection of the YEAR: Rep. Adam Schiff wishes Trump would stop obsessing about impeachment efforts

  1. seriously … why would anyone bother with anything Schiffless has to say … about anything?

    … it’s like quoting something the Teletubbies said & thinking it was somehow profound

  2. Hearing watermelon…
    I only hear that most famous Andrea Mitchell choke when Schiff squeaks. It’s been pulled from the tubes but it still exists. Americas Funniest 90 seconds. Could reappear at any time.

    Or is it a Eric Tradd Schneiderman resignation choke
    Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, Resigns Amid Sexual Assault Accusations – 10 mins ago
    Eric T. Schneiderman, the New York attorney general who rose to prominence as an antagonist of the Trump administration, abruptly resigned….

  3. I would like to see old “Bug Eyed” Schiff for brains go into another line of work. Oh, I forgot he’s a democRAT politician…they can’t do anything besides destroy America!


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