Propagating With White People Makes You Horrible – IOTW Report

Propagating With White People Makes You Horrible

Do us all a favor, white SJWs. Kill yourselves. For the good of the land.

Via Milo’s Facebook.

HT/ illustr8r

28 Comments on Propagating With White People Makes You Horrible

  1. “propogation” lol i cant breath

    “…hatred, oppression, homophobia, sexism, transphobia, racism, ableism…”

    Where’s the “fascism” antifa? Isn’t that your main gig?

  2. If there is no hatred, oppression, homophobia, tran,whatever bullshit word in heaven then I’m NOT GOING!!! Cause it’s suppose to be cracker white with pearly gates and things.

  3. I have no problem with the first four lines. Don’t they understand that they are taking the white women away from Mustafa, Jorge, and Deshawntay? Or that by their attempting to end miscegenation, they are helping purify the white race, and possibly jumpstarting a rise in white births? I thought that they wanted whitey to die off.

    As for the next three lines, there is more hatred coming AT whitey than whitey is giving out. If whitey was as oppressive as they say, we wouldn’t be having this conversation, because whitey wouldn’t tolerate such insolence. Homophobia, and transphobia, are mental disorders invented by degenerates, and as such should be treated by a medical professional and not be coddled by soft hearted or soft brained. Sexism and racism are inventions of professional victims who want to be paid by the government from white taxes because they are too lazy and/or stupid to get a real job. I have no idea what in the hell ableism is, they make up these bullshit isms faster than I can keep up with them, but I bet it has something to do with the disabled since whitey is so damned evil.

    As for the last three lines, I find it hilarious that a bunch of scrawny basement nerds who were raised by single mothers have the audacity to make such threats. I have seen these pussies trying to bully people, and every time someone or a group of someones stand up to them, they break and run like the cowardly pussies that they really are, and if they get hit by someone defending themselves, they run to the nearest cop.

    I am amazed that they fail to see the hypocrisy in their cause.

  4. Well, I guess I took the week off when yet another new leftist term was spawned. I caught up with “alt right”, cuz I missed that week’s term, initially. But what is antifa? Explain it to me.

  5. PHenry

    Antifa stands for Anti Fascist. It’s origin is European, but every gay Barista at Star-bucks has joined. They don’t know how to fight, but they don’t mind trying. They wear black, including hoodies and face masks and they cry when you hit them. Any questions?

  6. And while we’re at it, how did the suffix “phobia” get redefined from “fear of ” to “hatred for “?
    And all resistance toward the prefix that precedes the leftist suffix makes one a hater?
    I neither fear nor hate homos. I both hate and fear Islamos. This is an intentional linguistic trick to cause confusion. And the end of that poster introduced a new term designed to confuse me….Ableism.
    For the love that God!!! Screw you. You don’t even speak English while you prance about doing your superiority dance. What are the two words that both of us can understand? Oh yeah. Here they come.

  7. So they’re so lazy they can’t utter the second syllable, scists? But they can order a latte with soy milk l with mocha yadda yadda yadda.

    Man. It’s a good thing I don’t mingle much. Head splode.

  8. Xactly,

    And when they make a fist the wrap their finger around their thumb. They do like spraying old people in the face with mace and pepper spray though. Which sometimes causes them to get stomped.

  9. And as the soldiers hit the beaches at Normandy and Anzio they were AntiNa?
    That term is so gobsmackingly STOOPID that I’m sorry I asked the question. Tooth grrrrrinding stupid.
    I’d best sign off now.

  10. I’m a white dude, and I’m going to propagate with my white wife. Who’s going to stop me?
    Just when you think the idiocy can’t get any more stoopid, it does.

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