Protesting Shell Oil While Using Oil Products – IOTW Report

Protesting Shell Oil While Using Oil Products


The idiots protesting are using a lot of Polypropylene and similar material products (including that dweeb in a plastic kayak).  Do you think they even know it’s made from oil and was invented by an oil company?  Phillips Petroleum chemists J. Paul Hogan and Robert L. Banks first polymerized propylene in 1951 (from wiki).

Wanna meet a couple of the “activists and see their equipment close up?  Warning:Vomit inducing!


My head hurts now….

– Menderman

19 Comments on Protesting Shell Oil While Using Oil Products

  1. I’m not far from this and am watching the protest on the St. Johns Bridge live. Enough is enough with the public temper tantrum. They are interviewing these pinheads and letting them spew their bullshit in front of God and everyone. These are not even locals, and they have shut down the Columbia River for two days.

  2. yeah, but try getting the billions-funded professional Environmental Industry to actually pay their fines.

    Environmentalists are WATERMELONS: they’re GREEN on the outside but RED on the inside.

    And like all leftist activists, they say they Want To Do Good but in reality They Want To Do Well For Themselves. The higher-ups are in it for the money and they fool Useful Idiots into doing their dirty work for them.

  3. down here in my redneck of the woods, we do a lot of kayak fishing. It lets you get back into the bayous where boats can’t reach.

    I was kayak fishing at Shell Beach last weekend when a buddy and I encountered no less than four of these leftist plastic pirates in kayaks. They were in long, narrow touring kayaks. I reckon they had wooden kayak paddles because they were sustainable, free-range and Fair Trade. They totally jammed up the ramps at Campos Marina while they selfishly took their sweet time hauling out. Fishing kayaks and fishing boats were backed up waiting for these assklowns to GTFO. The Campos very kindly don’t charge a ramp fee to kayakers, with the expectation that they will show courtesy and buy some ice and bait. But I could tell from their doughy, pasty physiques that they were Veggies. I yelled over to their rainbow flotilla “Hey y’all, where’s yer fishin’ poles? Y’all catch anything?” They haughtily said “Oh we dont fish. We enjoy recreational kayaking.” I said, “Well since y’all didn’t buy anything from the marina, why don’t ya get the fuck out of the way of people who did buy something?” The one broad said “Oh, we bought ice.” They finally sped up and got out of the way when I snarled at ’em , “Oh yeah? So where’s yer fuckin’ ice chest ya damn Veejuns?”

    Somehow I dont think they’ll be back in a long while. 🙂

  4. Yeah, I glad, but it ain’t near enough. That won’t cover the fuel for all the emergency/rescue boats on scene. The idiots are wasting thousands of gallons of fuel for this stunt both for the boats and the long commute around the bridge they closed to traffic. You can’t fix stupid.

  5. They all drove to the protest in their Volvos and Subarus, gas powered and driven on asphalt roads. Everything they consume was delivered by a diesel truck. They should be deprived of everything petroleum and hauled away in diesel powered garbage trucks. These effin idiots are why we never go downtown.

  6. WTF do these losers do for a living that they can partake in such juvenile stunts for days on end?

    I guess being an activist must pay more than $15.00 per hour.

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