Protestors Burn Hugo Chavez’s Boyhood Home – IOTW Report

Protestors Burn Hugo Chavez’s Boyhood Home

Protestors in Venezuela’s state of Barinas set fire to the home of the “bringer of socialism”, Hugo Chavez. They also torched the headquarters of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela as well as a number of offices of hated government institutions.

The violence erupted after the shooting death of one protestor and the wounding of another by socialist “colectivos” thugs.




11 Comments on Protestors Burn Hugo Chavez’s Boyhood Home

  1. Five thousand Igla MANPADS (cheap Stinger missiles) available for sale in this socialist success.

    The majority of Venezuelans are too weak from hunger to lift one, but they fetch a pretty penny on the Jihadi Network that runs the Southern Cone into the failed narco state on our wall-less southern border.

  2. Typical stupid Venezuelans – burn the dead guy’s birthplace while the live socialist is STILL making your life miserable.

    Oy! No wonder …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. a famous Socialist economist from the European Union gushingly studied Venezuela during Chavez’s reign of terror.

    But at the end of his months-long visit to study Venezuela’s economic system, he buried his study’s results. When pressured about it, he reluctantly and quietly said Venezuela was Socialistic Nationalism. In other words, the branch of Socialism that Venezuela is under is fucking NAZISM, the other three branches of Socialism being Progressivism, Communism and Fascism.

  4. At this point, I wouldnt be surprised if Maduro introduces a new State-sponsored food called SOYLENTO VERDEtm

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