Protocol For Disposing of Facial Masks – IOTW Report

Protocol For Disposing of Facial Masks

1. Place masks in sturdy containers with no holes in a designated collection area that will prevent breakage. All holes must be covered with duct tape. These containers must be closed when masks are not being added. The best containers to use are the original boxes in which the masks are shipped.

2. Each mask container must be labeled “masks”. Each container must also be dated with the date the first mask was placed inside. Masks can be stored for up to one year provided that all the masks weigh less than 100 pounds total. Then the masks must be shipped to an EPA permitted treatment facility.

3. All masks known to be exposed to Covid must be immediately cleaned up, placed in a closed container, labeled as “hazardous” and turned in to the Safety Office as hazardous waste (see procedures below).

4. All employees that handle masks must be trained annually in the above requirements. Training must be documented. Reading, signing, and posting this memo can serve as training.


Well, no.

There is no such protocol that has been sent out to the public. These are the rules for disposing CFL lightbulbs.

If Covid was so deadly, why are there no hazardous waste disposal boxes for used masks? Why are they strewn on the sidewalks and in parking lots?

21 Comments on Protocol For Disposing of Facial Masks

  1. The Kung Fu Flu was just one big shit sham. 🤨

    I don’t care if it was the masks, staying six feet apart, or the lockdowns it was the biggest scam ever perpetrated on the American people. 🤬

  2. Another question I saw posted also asked, “if masks are so important in preventing the spread of this deadly disease, why are there no regulations or restrictions on who can provide masks or what they can be composed of?” People make masks out of t-shirts or other fabric that allows all sorts of stuff through. Yet that seems to be okay. I had a double layer cloth mask that was hard to breath through, yet in a doctor’s office I had to wear a disposable one that hardly seemed to restrict my breathing. Makes one wonder if the masks were there to keep people safe, or to train us to be submissive.

  3. Here is an idea, how about we just admit they don’t work and stop wearing them! If everyone cared about the environment in a basic Teddy Roosevelt sense this would have never started. Now in Texas most still wear them voluntarily or because they have Stockhom’s syndrome. Forget disposal – care about your health and avoiding lung disease and other breathing issues?! I am about to start handing out fliers on why you shouldn’t wear a mask to all these mask holes.

  4. Proper mask disposal procedure:

    While in the checkout line, remove mask and fumble with it while accidentally (on purpose) causing it to land on the floor. Pick it up and place it on the checkout counter. Sneeze and blow nose into a crumpled hanky. Apologize, pick up the mask and place it back on your face but have one strap fail. Let the mask dangle there from one ear as you finish your transaction. Note bulge-eyed Karen’s and white-knuckled ‘men’ all around. Also, some will be smiling. Smile back at them. If necessary, apologize profusely to all concerned and admit you had COVID but everything is worse now that you’ve had the vaccine. Toss the mask in a trash can while exiting the store.

  5. Over a year and I’m still only halfway through my first box of 50.

    But I charge $2.50 PPE fee on every job where the customer treats me like shoit. (Gov’t of Ontario wants to see proof that I’m using PPE.)

  6. I only wear the disposable ones and have always worn white side out. Have only owned about a dozen total and thrown out maybe two. Like to wear around ears and under chin.

  7. Hey, wait a minute! There is a protocol for disposing of CFL lightbulbs? And on that subject have you noticed that it’s almost impossible to find a normal incandescent bulb? I get that they kill the earth, but they are essential heat sources when I need to hang one next to exposed pipes of a frigid eve. Many a pipe and a few engines have been kept from freezing by heat from one of those inefficient, obsolete, carbon-spewing delights.

  8. The purpose of the masks, distancing, etc. it to disrupt normal social interaction people instinctively engage in when in the presence of others.

    It breaks down the normal communications people have with each other that occur non verbally as we go about our daily activities and maintain the social and cultural structures that we call “society”, and those normal communications are instinctual and universal for the entire human race, we’re born with them.

    It isn’t even being hidden, the term “Social distancing” pretty much makes this obvious and tells the intelligent among us what and why this is being done.

    Draw your own conclusions about where this will lead us and why the powers behind it want us there.

  9. Yes.
    Atomization of society.
    We’re become a nation of pimps and stoolies.
    We call the police about someone not wearing a mask AND the police show up and strong arm the citizenry! From intimidation and threats to closing businesses to entering homes.
    We now have “anonymous” pimp lines to the police – pimp out your friends and neighbors without leaving your name! What kind of gutless cowardice is this? What does it say about a government that encourages such gutless cowardice?

    Race against race.
    City against hinterland.
    Brother against brother.
    Father against son.
    Children against parents.
    Here we go again.

    izlamo delenda est …

  10. Yeah right.

    “Roll down car window, remove mask, throw mask out of window regardless of where you are.”
    “Pat self on back for being such a good sheeple.”

  11. In February I had to go to two hospital facilities for appointments. I wore masks going into each one. I was told that they did not allow outside masks so they each gave me a new one.

    Somewhat related: our local government has said that we should not pour grease or wil liar liquids down outr drains and that such liquids should be disposed of by approved protocols. While I understand that may be a good idea, I looked up how those approved protocols were in place in out area. They weren’t. So they told us what they do NOT want us to do, but they do not have in place what they want us to do.

    Sounds typical.


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