Proud Boys’ Attorney: FBI Agent Deleted Messages – IOTW Report

Proud Boys’ Attorney: FBI Agent Deleted Messages

FBI whistleblower discusses the topic with Emerald Robinson.

4 Comments on Proud Boys’ Attorney: FBI Agent Deleted Messages

  1. The DOJ, FBI ATF, DHS are corrupt.
    Arresting political prisoners who are considered enemies of the corrupt establishment of the Uniparty.
    By far the majority are simply patriots who have expressed their disdain for this Corrupt Government and its Agencies.
    It appears our government has turned into the red coats led by the insanity of the inbred King George the III of England.

    To my knowledge Biden, although severely diminished mentally, isn’t inbred. But Biden’s anti-American policies and arrests of citizens are no different than King George III.

  2. When the degenerate President put Herr M in charge – 9/4/01 – it became a tool to oppress conservatives – STASI! Mueller did his job well! America has suffered for 22 years! Honest, workingAmerica that is; “elites” have done well the last 22 years!


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