Provost says 4 presidential administrations she’s worked for have separated illegal children from illegal parents – IOTW Report

Provost says 4 presidential administrations she’s worked for have separated illegal children from illegal parents

The Hill-

Newly appointed Customs and Border Protection chief Carla Provost, in an interview that aired on Friday, defended separating families that illegally crossed the border by saying the practice has been in place since long before President Trump took office.

“Under all four administrations I have worked under, we have separated families for different reasons,” Provost told Hill.TV’s Buck Sexton on Wednesday on “Rising.”


Calm the faux down, lefties.

4 Comments on Provost says 4 presidential administrations she’s worked for have separated illegal children from illegal parents

  1. Mothers who endanger the welfare of their children take risks when they sneak them into other countries illegally. Poor planning/thinking on the Moms part. What kind of 3rd world country is Mexico anyway, when everyone wants to leave it, forever?


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