Psaki asked about xenophobic travel restriction hypocrisy – she says it was more about mean tweets – IOTW Report

Psaki asked about xenophobic travel restriction hypocrisy – she says it was more about mean tweets

Sure it was—

12 Comments on Psaki asked about xenophobic travel restriction hypocrisy – she says it was more about mean tweets

  1. Just once I’d like to hear the lying bitch just answer the question.

    She always has to ‘put it in context’. That’s the problem raggedy, you communize everything.

    Just answer the damn question without stalling or marginalizing. It just shows your ignorance.

  2. This isn’t Psaki’s first rodeo. She was hired, for the job, because she lies. Shamelessly. Reliably. Provenly (Of course it’s a real word! I just wrote it!).

    What should I believe about those that claim they *might* believe her? This time?

    What should I believe about those that sponsor (financially) those that claim they *might* believe her? This time?

  3. It’s not as if Trump Tweeted: “Read My Lips: No More Chinks”.

    I think he said something like: “We should stop imports of Bat Soup from this Wuhan place for awhile. After a week or so we’ll reconsider opening up the Bat Soup market again…it’ll be a win-win…the Chinese will continue making lots of money and Americans once again will enjoy one of their favorites – Authentic Chinese Bat Soup.”

    We all know how it went down so shut-up Pee-Saki.

  4. The Bat Soup Twist Again Song

    Come on, lets eat bat soup like we did last summer
    Yeahhh, eat bat soup again like we did last year
    Do you remember our guts were really twistin’
    Let’s retch again like we did last year

    Heeee, round and round and up and down our stomachs go
    Oh baby, make me know when you’re barfin’ chunks again

    What’s that, flyin up there?
    Is it a bird? Noooooo
    Is it a plane? Noooooooo
    Is it Bat Soup Vomit? YEAAAAAAAHH!

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