— ♦️GALLOPING GAYE♦️ (@GallopingGaye) September 2, 2021
21 Comments on Psaki confronted with the unanswerable abortion question and gets visibly angry
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She’s getting rusty – no, not the hair color…
She should have rolled into her Afghanistan talking points like:
“A record 331 million Americans have not been abandoned in Afghanistan!”
It’s a tax.
P.S. Last night, Tucker pointed out that now that women can be men, and men can have babies, (it’s settled Science,) men get their voice back in the abortion debate.
…so, my body, my choice for Coof jabs, too?
Also, did she just tell a man he doesn’t know anything about birthing babies because she assumes he CAN’T have babies? Didn’t THEY say men CAN have babies?
Its THEIR rule. Make them live by it…
Pskanky is so full of shit her kids must think they actually are little turds.
…and men can have babies.
That bran muffin and coffee are beginning to work.
I think I need to go give birth!
Wait “you’ve never been pregnant”? did she just assume the questioner was a male? Shouldn’t she have asked what he/she/it identifies as?
She an evil witch.
Why on earth do “news” reporters even ask her questions? She only responds in the standard democrat auto defense dialect to everything.
She worked in Pakistan for the CIA🤡, enough said.
Ever Evil people.
…Jen should watch THIS before she goes and says such bigoted and narrow minded things to a man again…
This quote from Ann Barnhardt impressed me as being much more widely applicable the first time I read it. It is extremely applicable and spot on when it comes to abortion fanatics.
“The reason why so many DeathJabbed people are pushy and adamant about you getting the DeathJab too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST be DeathJabbed too so that everyone suffers equally.”
The reason why so many people who have killed their own children are pushy and adamant about others killing their children too, is because deep-down they fear that they made a stupid mistake and don’t want to be alone with their freely-chosen error. If they go down, you have to go down with them. It’s inconceivable and enraging to them that you made the right choice and they did not. They followed “the scientism”. You HAVE to be wrong. Even if you are right, you MUST know that you have killed your own child too so that everyone suffers equally.
Her demeanor tells us she has had one and regrets it. She knows she is speaking evil.
@ Zulutiger SEPTEMBER 3, 2021 AT 10:36 AM
Oh, absolutely. Anyone who has ever done any pro life outreach can spot that dynamic in an instant. They couldn’t be less conspicuous if they wore a sandwich board.
‘My body, my choice’ Jen?
When it comes to vaxxing too, right JEN?
(Ghost remotely from the Bunker)
So, Chuckie Psaki dismissed “birthing people” who are male and whatever gender. How dare her! -sarc
Is she suggesting anybody not a woman should be “punished” with a force birth? Shades of Lady in Red.
Follow the money.
Big bucks in dead baby parts.
The closer to birth age = more money.
I’ve never understood how they can say it’s a woman’s right to choose to kill a baby. You are pure evil if you think that.
Raggedy Ann must be getting tired of lying for Precedent Bye/Done.
See what happens to a man who won’t support a child that the woman doesn’t kill with abortion. All of the sudden, it’s the man’s child and he is a scumbag if he doesn’t send loads of money to the mother to spend as she wishes. The man has no rights to try and protect the life of his child but when it is taken away from him through divorce, he will be imprisoned if he doesn’t support it. Sounds like a scam to me.
How sexist and transphobic. How does she know he has never been pregnant? Ha! The Left can’t even play by their own insane rules.