Psaki Hack calls Peter Doocy a “Stupid Son of a Bitch” – IOTW Report

Psaki Hack calls Peter Doocy a “Stupid Son of a Bitch”

Western Journal-

“The bottom line is that Jen Psaki is a government employee who is openly criticizing a media outlet that is the competitor of her future employer,” Hall wrote.

“If Psaki has a ‘handshake deal’ to join NBC after she officially leaves the briefing room podium, then she should reasonably be far more circumspect in not just her future briefings, but in any public appearance in which she is asked about competitors of her future employer.”

25 Comments on Psaki Hack calls Peter Doocy a “Stupid Son of a Bitch”

  1. The red headed bastard step child, Jen Paski, who has to clean up the daily shit stains from the biggest political idiot in American history calls a legit journalist “a stupid son of a bitch”. Now that is classic irony right there.

  2. In a White House press conference, Doocy is asking pertinent questions while Psaki is lying her ass off to protect an administration led by a fool. In a room full of people, only one is doing his job.

  3. The MSM treated Trump like an illegitimate POTUS and twisted and lied about everything he said meanwhile Doocy treats them w/respect, asks a few questions hardly hard hitting and they break down and resort to pathetic attacks. 81 million votes!

  4. I have to question why news outlets go to a CYA specialist to find out what politicians have briefed her on, as to which lies to use to protect them from tough questions. Using the same lame pattern day after day month after month, on and on to find out zip.

  5. I just stand aside and observe the unraveling of the administration. But sadly, they are unraveling the whole country, in every aspect, in their wake.

    We will survive this, maybe. Not sure.

    I hate leftists.

  6. Jennifer Psaki is a longtime liar and scammer, which is why she was hired by the career crook Joe Biden in the first place. The abusive, failed, rejected, unaccomplished, unpopular dyed-hair cougar slob will never be really wanted nor sought-after.

  7. Piss Hockey and her douche aides referring
    to someone else as Stew-Pad ?

    When she is the is the liar-in-chief of the
    most criminal incompetent oval office imposter ?

    Has she ever looked at a mirror ?

    Has she ever had a psychological
    self assessment ?

    Has she ever sought religious counseling ?

  8. This from someone who considers the retarded pedophile Joey Biden a fucking genius.
    Not sure I’d trust her judgement on anything.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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