Psych Prof Who Called Trump ‘Mentally Impaired’ May Not Have A License To Practice – IOTW Report

Psych Prof Who Called Trump ‘Mentally Impaired’ May Not Have A License To Practice

I think a representative should author a bill called the “Unstable Big Mouth Quack” bill.

Daily Caller-

The Yale University psychology professor who called President Trump “mentally impaired” appears to lack a valid license to practice psychiatry in her home state of Connecticut.

The prominent professor Bandy Lee made the headlines over the past few days when she made a diagnosis of the president as suffering from a “mental impairment” that would disqualify him from the highest office in the land.

In  a related story – The American Psychiatric Association is calling for people to please STOP WITH THE ARMCHAIR DIAGNOSES of TRUMP

Following Lee’s comments, the American Psychiatric Association released a statement on Tuesday warning members of its profession to refrain from making public diagnoses of public figures like Trump without a proper medical exam.

“We at the APA call for an end to psychiatrists providing professional opinions in the media about public figures whom they have not examined, whether it be on cable news appearances, books, or in social media,” wrote the APA, without mentioning Lee specifically. “Arm-chair psychiatry or the use of psychiatry as a political tool is the misuse of psychiatry and is unacceptable and unethical.”

14 Comments on Psych Prof Who Called Trump ‘Mentally Impaired’ May Not Have A License To Practice

  1. Professor Alan Dershowitz, of Harvard, a Hillary supporter, calls this shit dangerous commie
    stuff. Put your opponent in an insane asylum if things don’t work out right. The Lee broad is an asshole, a commie asshole.


    A lapsed license is far different than never having one in the first place.

    To maintain a license, depending on what it is, can be time-consuming and expensive, usually requiring 2 college classes (6 credits) and a fee and in some cases a BATTERY of exams which are a total nuisance, and sometimes people just don’t have the ability to do so or want the hassle.

    Focus on her severely unethical weaponizing of the profession for a political agenda, not the fact that she didn’t stay current with her license.

  3. How the phuck did she ever get a license in the first place, if indeed she had one. Diagnosing someone without
    ever even meeting that person is pretty phucked up. But that’s just me, a deplorable. Has anyone checked out the Hildebeast lately?

  4. Mithrandir, are you fukcing kidding us here? Are you defending a shrink that categorizes a guy that swings a sledge hammer 10 hours a day and admits he drinks a beer every night with dinner as a dangerous, unstable, alcoholic?

    Or a shrink that says a young man that admitted to getting drunk in college 3 or 4 times is unsuitable to be a cop?

    Or a person that has bad credit is a risky example of irresponsible and unreliable behavior and not suitable for certain job assignments or employment?

    Because anyone that has ever been interviewed by a shrink for a job knows thats what they do. So this broad that diagnoses other people is so irresponsible, sloppy and disorganized, easily distracted, unfocused, and unmotivated to to such an imperative duty to maintain should be excused for such a pathetically lame excuse?

    We are talking about 2 three hour classes and a renewal fee over a 2 year period. Give me a fukcing break.

  5. Let me explain this as if you were a 5 year old. —my mistake, I should have been more clear:

    ⏩ If she NEVER had a license in the area under question, then it’s fair to say she doesn’t have the credibility to be representing her profession.

    ⏩ If her license LAPSED, it really doesn’t make any difference. An A.S.E. certified mechanic is still a pretty good mechanic even if he decided not to stay current with his certification. A doctor practicing 10 years is still a doctor, if he leaves the profession and doesn’t maintain his license, and are able to speak based on experience. Are going to ignore a retired lawyer’s advice because they are no longer an active member of the bar?

    ⏩ With or without a license, if she is spewing garbage and weaponizing the profession, or is generally a bad professional, then she rightfully deserves the scorn, b/c that is not proper decorum for professionals.

    Remain calm!

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