Public Restroom Hand Dryers Both Suck and Blow – IOTW Report

Public Restroom Hand Dryers Both Suck and Blow

Just when you thought you were keeping your hands clean by avoiding touching any surface and placing them under a  jet of nice warm air after using a public toilet, researchers are telling us to reconsider.

“Restroom hand dryers don’t just blow — they also suck. When they hoover up air, they also siphon in bacteria, which includes microbes carried into the room on people’s skin, and those left behind by waste after a person uses and flushes a lidless toilet. Then, after sucking these microbes up, the dryers spew them out again — in abundance, according to a recent study.” More 

22 Comments on Public Restroom Hand Dryers Both Suck and Blow

  1. A properly designed public restroom, in my humble opinion, has paper towels and a waste receptacle next to the door so you can toss your towel after you used it to open the door. So many people don’t know what hand washing is.

  2. My mother got mad at my father for drying his hands on her dishtowels. The next time he washed his hands, he dried them on her hand-made kitchen curtains above the sink. Priceless!

  3. 1) Push button
    2) Rub hands under warm air

    All of them have letters scratched off:

    1) Push butt
    2) Rub hands under   arm

    Along the same lines, think of what happens leaving your toothbrush on the sink next to the toilet and what your vacuum cleaner sucks up to micro-particles all over the house.

    Happy cleaning.

  4. I can’t stand the things. Absolutely hate tem. Before going into the restroom at McDonalds I grab about half of the napkin dispenser and take them with me so I have something to dry my hands with.

  5. Some of those hand driers they should issue small kid warnings because the air flowing thru them is very powerful and loud. The ones at the restrooms in the travel center in St. Regis, Mt. for instance and the ones like the one in the picture that Vietvet sent, which they have in the restroom at the Town Pump restroom in Polson, Mt. I don’t know how any knucklehead could not know that’s a hand drier and not a urinal. Maybe it’s a double barreled urinal if you were drunk or stupid or lazy. But you never know because sometimes guys when they really have to go will pee in anything.

  6. Guys; Rule #1 don’t pee on your hands, you won’t need to wash them.
    Rule #2 if you raise the seat, lower the seat
    Rule #3 If you sprinkle when you tinkle,
    Be a sweetie and wipe the seatie

  7. One of my customers in Columbia Falls, Mt. has written in bold letters over her toilet, If you sprinkle when you tinkle, please clean it up. And sometimes it’s hard for us older guys not to sprinkle. Ah the joys of becoming an old fart. My mom used to say in case of a bomb attack or nuke, hide under the toilet because it’s never been hit. Of course she had to put up with my dad and 4 boys and one bathroom.

  8. I live and work with a bunch of young men that need to be reminded of the basics from time to time. I left this sign on the inside of the toilet stall door:
    1. Cock your buttcheek enough to put your t.p. INSIDE the toilet.
    2. Flush until your shit and excess t.p. disappears.
    3. Look for a really STUPID woman. That’s the only kind that would ever put up with a dumb FUCK like YOU.

  9. I despise hand driers, automatic water faucets, automatic soap dispensers and automatic paper towel machines. None of them ever work the way they’re supposed to.

  10. we aim to please
    you aim too, please

    She Who Must Be Obeyed always carries anti-bacterial hand wash in her ‘Purse of Survival’ for every encounter w/ a public restroom or public restaurant table … saved me from many encounters w/ anti-human bacterium species

  11. I refuse to bow to the tyranny of Rest Stop toilet paper.
    I bring not only disinfectant wipes that could kill Yersinia Pestis on sight, but regular wipes. And I am careful not to mix the two

  12. One of life’s little nasty jokes is the worse your hearing gets the more sensitive you get to loud noise. I hate these things. Like walking behind a 747 getting ready to take off.

  13. What is this obsession with hospital operating room sterility? How do you expect to keep your immune system up if you live in a “hothouse” environment? A little dirt never hurt. And that includes pubic
    …..errrr……public restrooms.

  14. A push put door you can push with elbow or back of hand is preferable to a knob that has to be turned.
    Seeing the “Employees just wash hands” sign in a restroom with only cold water, a turn knob faucet handle, a blower, and a doorknob that must be turned to exit … not a good combination.


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