California: Public Servant Who Made $327,491 in 2017 Asks Us to Support Higher Taxes – IOTW Report

California: Public Servant Who Made $327,491 in 2017 Asks Us to Support Higher Taxes


CPR: Every two years, around this time, political mailers inundate the mailboxes of California’s registered voters. This week, many Sacramento residents received a “Vote No on Prop. 6″ mailer. Prop. 6 is that pesky, subversive citizens ballot initiative that, if approved by voters, will roll back the gas tax.

But Prop. 6 isn’t the topic here. Rather, the topic is all taxes in California. Why is there relentless pressure to increase them? And what special interests are paying for these campaigns to increase (or preserve) taxes across California?

In that context, this No on Prop. 6 mailer is instructive. Because blazoned across the cover of this four page, 8.5″ x 11” glossy full color flyer, is Darrell Roberts, representing the California Professional Firefighters. Roberts is the president of IAFF Local 2180, the Chula Vista Firefighters Union. In addition to his duties as president of Local IAFF Local 2180, Roberts is a Fire Battalion Chief for the Chula Vista Fire Department. In that capacity, he earned $327,491 in 2017, including $99,887 of overtime.

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8 Comments on California: Public Servant Who Made $327,491 in 2017 Asks Us to Support Higher Taxes

  1. My former best friend from high school is a nurse in San Bernardino, CA. She openly gloats about how her union keeps her in six figures only working part time. I sent her a comparison site for cost of living that showed her she and I essentially make the same amount at the end of the day.

    Dingbat literally believed everywhere else cost as much as where she lives. Then she found out my house is twice the size of hers but cost half a much. The stupid, it hurts….

  2. Republicans need to stop fighting for right to work and instead focus on the extremely high cost of PUBLIC SECTOR UNIONS*

    *There are about 300 million U.S. citizens and about 3 million federal employees. Government employees – the REAL 1% everyone should campaign against.

  3. Hoo Hoo Nay Nay October 6, 2018 at 7:27 pm

    We should feel sorry for her that she works in SB, the site of that Muslim murdering duo a few years back.

    SB is California’s southern anus; Stockton is the northern anus.

  4. We just got a “correction” to our ballots about Proposition 6: Gas Tax Repeal Initiative.
    Everyone went crazy when the ballots came out as they were written to deceive!
    The correction is quite clear. A no vote would allow the state Legislature to approve additional car and gas tax increases “without voter approval”! We can’t let that happen.
    We are all working hard in CA to get the vote out for Cox and other Republicans so we can turn this mess around. Paper ballots would be a big help.


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