Pumpkin Carving – IOTW Report

Pumpkin Carving

7 Comments on Pumpkin Carving

  1. I have very similar pictures with my Grand Daughter and our two Labs from last year. I’m not sure when having your baby wear a pumpkin became a thing but hey, we got the Pics. And the Labs worship her.

  2. In the behining of the video you can see the Lab with the babies leg in his mouth. Our oldest Lab picked that shit up at about 1 year old. If he wanted to display affection he’d grab you by the wrist and just set there wagging his tail. He still does it at 11 years old. Last year, if she was in the car seat, he use to grab the Grand daughter in the same place, while she bopped him o the head with the opposite hand. She’s to active for that now. But where ever she goes she’s got two Labs supervising, until we’ve had enough.


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