Purse Snatching in Texas is Dealt With Swiftly – IOTW Report

Purse Snatching in Texas is Dealt With Swiftly


25 Comments on Purse Snatching in Texas is Dealt With Swiftly

  1. Only wish she’d dropped him cold. In Texas you have the right to use your weapon to defend yourself, your property, or your neighbors life or property.

    “On earth as it is in Texas. . . amen.”

  2. I love Texas….there’s something reassuring in the fact that thugs and gangstas don’t have a free ride mugging someone….and that the victim may have better firepower than the thug.

  3. Not a lawyer, just a Texas CHL here.

    Per the CHL laws (PC §9.42. DEADLY FORCE TO PROTECT PROPERTY.), she was probably justified in using deadly force as the obama was fleeing a robbery/aggravated robbery (purse “snatching”). HOWEVER, it looks like she deliberately shot over him, and warning shots are a no no (can hit innocent third party).

    That’s why it’s best to hit shitstains center mass leaving the entire (hopefully expanded with a large, lethal permanent wound cavity) projectile where it belongs.

  4. Several years ago a local man was robbed just after he cashed his pay check. He shot and killed the robber as he walked away. The authorities charged him with murder, saying the robber was no longer a threat because he was walking away. Due to public protest the charges were finally dropped.

    About the same time a man in Texas driving around looking for a parking spot at the mall saw a guy grab a woman’s purse then jump in to a car driven by his accomplice. The driver chased the get away vehicle down the road about 2 miles, where one of the thieves started shooting at him. The man chasing them fired back killing one of them. No charges were filed.

    I only heard about the incident in Texas because it was used as an argument why the local man should not be charged. He shot the man who robbed him when he was about 5 feet away, not 2 miles down the road. Different circumstances, but it shows how things are different (better) in Texas.

    (sadly I didn’t get watch the video, it now says video removed by the user)

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