Put Up or Shut Up – IOTW Report

Put Up or Shut Up

American Greatness: In 1994, I ran for precinct committeeman in DuPage County, Illinois. At the time, it was one of the strongest Republican counties in the nation. I handed out my petitions, knocked on doors, made up little flyers, and phoned voters to ask for their support. I eked out a small victory over my opponents (two white men, no less!) and proudly represented my precinct at Republican political events for the next few years.

It was the only time my name has appeared on a ballot. But that is one more than the number of times Bill Kristol’s name has appeared on a ballot.

Kristol is the founder and editor-at-large of The Weekly Standard and inarguably the most anti-Trump of the NeverTrump Republicans. He has cleverly carved out a niche for himself as the Left’s go-to guy for a nasty comment or tweet about the president. Kristol’s criticism also extends to the president’s staff, family, and voters. He rants about Republicans in Congress who support Trump and smugly doles out advice about how they can usurp the president’s power and agenda. For all of Kristol’s invective, somehow Democrats have emerged untouched. It’s sad, really.

Evan McMullin


He is also a prolific political loser, notoriously backing unqualified, unappealing candidates with no chance of winning. This includes Alan Keyes, Sarah Palin, and Evan McMullin to name a few. He repeatedly said Trump would lose the primary; when he didn’t, Kristol insisted Trump would lose the general election in a landslide. Scores of articles catalog his lousy policy ideas, laughable endorsements, and failed predictions.

If you are running for office, beware the Curse of Kristol.

 Yet none of this has dented Kristol’s ego or curbed the media’s appetite for his impulsive and petulant musings about Donald Trump. He makes one accusation after another, mocks every misstep, and pushes far-fetched conspiracy theories.  read more

13 Comments on Put Up or Shut Up

  1. Bill Bennett talks about the Kristol clique of die-hard #NT. He names them by name. Rove’s in there, too. I think they are less motivated by their antipathy for Trump and more upset that they are passe’ in the world of politics and political commentary. People just don’t want to hear their brand of nit-pickery and sour grapes.

    (They never show a full body picture of Kristol. He’s a dweeby pudge of a guy with low self-esteem.)

  2. Evan McMullin…that reminds me. Yesterday Sweaty Thumb opened his show with some gentle mockery of those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, and their pathetic obsession with the 25th Amendment. He then proceeded to spend an hour talking about it. For the benefit of his core audience, I suppose.

    And no, I don’t listen to his show. I sometimes catch the first ten minutes to remind me why I don’t listen. And Medved is the only alternative at that time.


    Glenn Beck
    Bill Krystol
    Paul Ryan
    Mitch McConnell
    John Boehner (Who is he kidding. The other guy isn’t called Anthony Wayner)

    These and others like them are SHELL-SHOCKED moderates that can’t handle attacks, so they throw punches at their own people knowing they won’t have to suffer much blow-back.

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