Putin to send Russia’s largest battleship to wipe ISIS terrorists off the face of the earth – IOTW Report

Putin to send Russia’s largest battleship to wipe ISIS terrorists off the face of the earth

TheRebel:  The Russians are coming! And they have one goal in mind: the complete annihilation of the Islamic State once and for all.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is sending in his country’s largest ship, the Admiral Kuznetsov aircraft carrier plus 30 jet fighters and attack helicopters to Syria.


SNIP: That’s lovely and all, but I don’t trust Putin any more than I trust 0bama.

5 Comments on Putin to send Russia’s largest battleship to wipe ISIS terrorists off the face of the earth

  1. I trust putin more than our own president. Our president says one thing and does another. At least Putin does what he says he will do.

    Will be a good outing for their new chinese aircraft carrier.

  2. Russia is not the enemy…and Putin, at least, protects and defends the Christians in his country. He is not like his predecessors, he was a product of the Reagan era.

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