‘QAnon Shaman’ Gets Out of Prison Early – IOTW Report

‘QAnon Shaman’ Gets Out of Prison Early

Jacob Chansley is now in a halfway house in Arizona


Perhaps the most recognizable of all the Capitol rioters has been released from prison months early. Jacob Chansley, aka the “QAnon Shaman,” has been transferred from a federal prison to a halfway house in Phoenix, reports CBS News. Chansley, 35, received a sentence of 41 months in November 2021 after pleading guilty to obstruction. He is scheduled to be released from the halfway house on May 25. In images from inside the Capitol building the day of the riot, Chansley’s horned headdress and face paint famously set him apart, notes the Hill. No reason was specified for the early release, though inmates are able to shave time off their sentences with good behavior.

“After serving eleven months in solitary prior to his sentence being imposed, and only 16 months of his sentence thereafter, it is appropriate this gentle and intelligent young man be permitted to move forward with the next stage of what undoubtedly will be a law abiding and enriching life,” said his attorney, Albert Watkins. Chansley himself had denounced his actions at his sentencing, calling them “indefensible.” Earlier this month, Tucker Carlson of Fox News put Chansley back in the spotlight when he shared previously unreleased footage from the Capitol riot. The video showed Chansley at one point walking around the Capitol with a group of officers and prompted the defense attorney in a separate Jan. 6 case to request that his client’s case be thrown out.


9 Comments on ‘QAnon Shaman’ Gets Out of Prison Early

  1. ^^^^^ And there you go. No hiding it. He hated Trump in 2015. Nothings changed. TDS in full bloom. I happen to think Trumps the only one that could circumvent a civil war IF he could get elected. And right now that’s highly doubtful. We are currently in DEEP SHIT.

  2. *Sigh
    I have voted for Trump TWICE.
    I will vote for him one or two more times if he doesn’t step on his own dick and treat me like I’m an idiot.
    I like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and hate when Trump lies about him.

    I am an open book, consistent as fuck. No lies here.
    You cannot say the same.

  3. Brad, give it a rest forchrissakes, you are only beclowning yourself.

    Loco, Trump came up with a new name for RDS, Ron Dukakis. He just can’t help himself.

  4. Really Rich?
    Damn, two steps forward and one and a half back.
    The man cannot help himself.
    I’m starting to think he deserves what he gets.
    Yesterday & today should be a day when everyone agrees to band together to fight this injustice.
    He has the high ground.
    Yet here he is attacking one of the few Republicans with a spine in THE ENTIRE COUNTRY!
    Good fucking grief!

  5. Loco says (like me) that he voted for Trump twice and is deserving of another go round and you somehow in that brain of yours interpret that as hating Trump and that he has DTS. How you process information is a mystery to me.

  6. “How you process information is a mystery to me.”
    Easy, with a bottle of Jack & a chaser of Johnny Walker. Arrogance is a way of life for him. I have dealt with people like this before. Common sense is not a requirement with them. Personally I think he might of been abused as a child or bullied as a child. Definitely has anger issues. Most of the time I try to ignore him, other times impossible to put up an ass like him.

  7. Dollars to Doughnuts, every grifter within 1000 miles will be after a piece of his future birthday cakes. Some wrapped in very pretty packages too. He sounds like he has a good head on his shoulders. All the best.

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