QAnon Shaman Given 41 Month Prison Term For One Felony Count Obstruction of an Official Proceeding – IOTW Report

QAnon Shaman Given 41 Month Prison Term For One Felony Count Obstruction of an Official Proceeding


The Arizona man known as the “QAnon Shaman” will serve 41 months in prison after storming the Capitol on Jan. 6, a federal judge ruled Wednesday. 

Federal prosecutors had asked that Jacob Chansley, who pleaded guilty in September to a single count of felony obstruction of an official proceeding, serve 51 months followed by three years of supervised release. They also asked that he pay $2,000 in restitution.  More

13 Comments on QAnon Shaman Given 41 Month Prison Term For One Felony Count Obstruction of an Official Proceeding

  1. “encouraging his thousands of followers to expose corrupt politicians, to ID the traitors in the government, to halt their agenda, to stop the seal, and end the deep state.”

    I’m with him on everything except his antipathy towards seals, they are cute creatures who never bothered anyone. He must be a sea-otter guy.

    “Chansley was among the initial throng to enter the building, and once there, he used a bullhorn “to rile up the crowd and demand that lawmakers be brought out,” according to the sentencing memo”

    Is there a video out there proving this, with his exact words?

    One guy that deserves to go to prison;

  2. An actor named Jake Angeli from Phoenix, Arizona. He also attended a Black Lives Matter rally in January of last year. The mainstream media claims that he is QAnon supporter after Trump supporters claimed he was an antifa counter-protester.

    Photographed that day with Pelosi’s son-in-law.

    He’s a gov’t psyop who will not go to prison.

  3. Seems like keeping this congress from meeting, for even a day, was a service to the nation.

    His own lawyer claims Chansely is a bit of a flake. If he didn’t physically hurt anyone and he has no criminal record he should have gotten off with probation. Because he showed up in his buckskins and buffalo helmet and the media couldn’t get enough of him, the system has try to kill him with a long prison sentence.

  4. Cheryl – Yes, I mentioned that in the last thread about Jake Angeli. I remember seeing an article, I swear I thought it was on Breibart, of him marching with BLM in Minnesota. Of course, I scoured the web for the past 45 minutes or so trying to find it, but no luck.

  5. Yet no prison time for those societal rejects known as blank lives don’t matter and the auntie’s panties garbed in laughable dollar-store leotards who stormed cities and nabes with violence, assaults against children and elderly, looting, rape et al. Neither for the PEDOPHILE OF THE UNITED STATES BIDEN, dem-rino party collaborators, and their greed-infested accomplices who assisted in terrorizing and attacking the United States with a biowepon. None. Zip. Zero.

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