Question— – IOTW Report


53 Comments on Question—

  1. Too many legitimate questions to ask but of course she doesn’t know how to tell the truth. But mine would be: Are you and Bill on Medicare? If not why not if it is such a good deal for the rest of us!

  2. This is a trick question.

    If you are asking a question and you don’t expect an honest answer, then the only point of your question is to irritate someone.

    To wit, “What did it feel like at the moment you traded you unearned reputation as a strong advocate for women in order stay married to a rapist for your own craven political opportunism?”

    If the question had to be answered truthfully, that changes the entire dynamic.

    I’ve never seen Hillary Clinton answer a question honestly in 30 years on even the most inconsequential subject. Everything is calculated, dishonest, and deflecting.

    What did you eat for breakfast this morning? Hrm, what would my audience like to hear. Wheat toast with an artisanal blackberry jam, an egg white omelet, and fresh fruit. In reality, two shots of Jim Beam, a Heineken chaser, three Xanax and a pack of airplane peanuts.

    Because I’m curious, I’d like to know “when was the last time she actually had full sexual intercourse with your husband?”

    The date might shock Chelsea but no one else. Hillary doesn’t strike me as the sort who would allow Bill to come in her after she’s seen some of the women he’s cavorted with.

    She just doesn’t seem like a forgiving, live-and-let-live kinda gal.

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