Question for Muslims – When people are murdered following the wail of Allahu Akbar, is it a hate crime? – IOTW Report

Question for Muslims – When people are murdered following the wail of Allahu Akbar, is it a hate crime?

A beloved imam and his assistant were gunned down execution-style in broad daylight Saturday as they walked home in their traditional robes after prayers at a Queens mosque — and some members of the community believe it was a hate crime.

Imam Maulama Akonjee, 55, and Thara Uddin, 64, both died at ­Jamaica Hospital, police said.

The son-in-law of Akoniee — who had seven children and three grandchildren — told The Post he was shocked by the cold-blooded killings.

“This is 100 percent a hate crime. My father-in-law was an imam, he wore traditional garb all the time,” said Momin Ahmed.

Police confirm the victims were not robbed when they were shot in the back of their heads by a lone gunman on foot, but stressed it was premature to call it a hate crime.

“There is nothing in the preliminary investigation that would indicate that they were targeted because of their faith,” NYPD Deputy Inspector Henry Sautner said.

Nonetheless, Mayor de Blasio sent his senior community affairs adviser to ease the fear the murders sparked in the neighborhood.

Sarah Sayeed tried to calm a group of about 2,000 people who gathered Saturday night at an Ozone Park mosque and shouted, “We want justice!”

“We are committed to a full investigation of any crime against any individual and we want you to know that the NYPD is looking at all angles,” said Sayeed.


“We want justice!”

And what exactly would that be? Won’t the normal reactions and procedures the police follow for any other murder suffice? Your shouting suggests that either you don’t think the police will take these murders seriously or you’re asking for special treatment. Or maybe you’re nervous that a vigilante hit squad might be out there wreaking havoc upon random innocent Muslims and you want that nipped in the bud as soon as possible.

That’s what we all want, the senseless killing of people, people simply walking down the street living their lives as innocents, to cease.

Will it?


The just released sketch of the shooter, according to witnesses, looks Muslim to me.



16 Comments on Question for Muslims – When people are murdered following the wail of Allahu Akbar, is it a hate crime?

  1. Apparently the new interpretation by the media of someone shouting “Allahu Akbar” while they are on a mass murder spree is that they are declaring “My being a Muslim has nothing to do with my actions. I am mentally ill.”

  2. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. My first thought is it is another muslim that is the shooter. My second thought is that it could be part of a conspiracy that leads to a martial law situation. Regardless, these two are not the last two muzzies to get their 72 raisins.

  3. I say this is a set up. They are blaming trump. And they were shot in the back of their heads? Hmmm…wasn’t a dem operative recently shot in the back of his head? It stinks of Hillary and obama.

  4. Police confirm the victims were not robbed when they were shot in the back of their heads by a lone gunman on foot, but stressed it was premature to call it a hate crime.

    Was the killing of Seth Rich a hate crime?

    If the Imam was about to rat out Hillary to the FBI, would killing him be a hate crime

  5. “Cops and witnesses described the shooter as tall and Hispanic, carrying a large handgun, and wearing a dark blue shirt and shorts.”
    from another link.

    The shooter was probably another moslem from another sect of the death cult. Blame it on the Mexicans, the skin color is close enough. Moslems never murder,… honest. islam means peas.

  6. Where are the fears of worrying about a backlash towards Christians?! All I ever hear about is a backlash to muzzies whenever one of them goes on a killing spree.

  7. “The just released sketch of the shooter, according to witnesses, looks Muslim to me.”

    Kindly allow me to correct that statement. He will be described as a “white” muslim in the MSM, or possibly a “white hispanic” muslim, and then eventually the word “muslim” will drop off the description all together.

  8. Here is all you need to know:
    29,014 deadly terror attacks since 9/11

    Jihad July alone brought us:
    1672 Killed
    2249 Injured
    32 suicide blasts

    All brought to you by “The Religion of Peace”
    Fueled by hatred.
    Protected by dumbed-down, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Birkenstock-wearing, bottled-water-drinking, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, COEXIST bumper-sticker, Kia Hamster bobble-headed Socialist Liberal Lemmings in lock-step with Stupid, and their disingenuous Politicians who are only too happy to rat-fuck the United States for their own personal wealth!

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