Quick Time With BFH – Tonight’s Caller: Uncle Al – IOTW Report

Quick Time With BFH – Tonight’s Caller: Uncle Al

Quick Time?

Is that a good name?

I dunno.

38 Comments on Quick Time With BFH – Tonight’s Caller: Uncle Al

  1. Untubbed-

    Just for that I’m calling you from the tub.

    You know, Tub Talk would have been a good show if I didn’t ruin my laptop.

    Only one guest ever on Tub Talk- Pamela Geller.

  2. Menderman. This is true. I had a dream last year that BigFurHat came out to visit me at my old place employment after talking him into it. He had his two teenage kids with him, a boy and a girl. It’s a dream. Lots of artistic license going on. But he reminded me of a young Ted Danson from “Cheers.” With a dash of a young Mark Harmon thrown in.

    This is what happens when you eat ice cream before bed.

  3. President Trump has already addressed how he’s going to pay for things: Spending cuts, reallocating money, keeping Americam companies here, and getting our GDP up to 3% (or more). “Game changing.”

  4. That was great Uncle Al! Like mentioned above I enjoy the sound of the voice to go with the missives. You’ll sound just like you now in my head when I read your posts.

    If I can hear you among the rest of that crowd in there.

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