Quid Pro Joe – IOTW Report

Quid Pro Joe


LAST YEAR: Karine Jean-Pierre refused to say why Biden didn’t sanction Russian billionaire Elena Baturina — nor if Biden met with her at a Georgetown restaurant in 2015 while he was Vice President.

Today Hunter Biden’s best friend and business associate, Devon Archer, testified that Joe Biden met with Russia’s Yelena Baturina who later invested into $40 million into Hunter Biden’s real estate ventures. And she also paid Hunter Biden $3.5 million in consulting fees.

Yelena Baturina, the billionaire widow of a corrupt Moscow mayor, was left off of Biden’s Sanctions list. More

15 Comments on Quid Pro Joe


    But something near and dear to my kin and me.


    It was a very big success 69 years ago for ALL WORKING Americans; except our ‘betters” plutocrats like Biden an Bush.

    These criminals are not “migrants”. They are FOLK WITH NO RESPECT FOR THE LAW! Had they any respect for the law they would not be here.

    OPERATION WETBACK greatly reduced cost related to criminals: Hospitals, insurance, deputies, jails …. Thereby helping reduce the Fed budget AND GREATY RAISED THE STANDARD OF LIVING FOR WORKING AMERICANS!

    Bush lied when he said defending his “open borders” 19 years ago that these criminals did not hurt living standard of working Americans; but actually raised our standard of living!?!@#$?&*! The liberal liar did say that many times between 2002 and 2008! LIE! These outlaws have degraded the “deplorables” living standard!


    430,000 crimes in just one, ein, un, uno, 1 state! Multiply by 50 and its many millions! OK the illegals generally don’t go to Wyoming.

    They are here because they DO NOT RESPECT THE LAW;THEY ARE LAW BREAKERS! So of course they have no qualms about criminal activity! Just as they did 70 years ago.

    I lost 3 “A’s” in ’58 and’58 defending Ike. I BTW, was a “Ronny DEM”, not a Republican. *. I defended the
    “White Nationalist” Ike because Wetback was good for “working” Americans! Believe with all my heart it would help “working” Americans in 2023!

    Of course our “betters’ would not be helped – as was the case in 1954 – so they lie; see GWB’s big lie above!
    Crime is up because we never built Ronny’s wall! Worse for 20 years we have openly invited criminals in!

    *. 5 years later I would be college YD president; still a Ronny D even though Ronny had gone to Norwalk and switched.

  2. Biden is such a disaster and the weaponization against Trump so deranged that I believe the DNC is looking at a “Hoover effect”.

    They’re in way over their heads, so the answer is full speed ahead.

    Loving it.

    Going to be an exciting year. Popcorn prices will be exorbitant but worth the pleasure.

  3. Anonymous,

    Public jury of 100% hardcore leftist Distict of Corruption Demonrats considering indictments produced 100% by DOJ and Jackoff Smith.

    100% anti-Trump judge, random pick my ass…

    You are truly an Alphabet idiot.

  4. In Florida Donny got a random judge who he appointed, who should recuse herself. Everyone new these charges in DC were coming. Luck of the draw, one Donny appointed & one judge he did not. The crimes/charges were committed in DC, the venue will stay & the judge will stay.

  5. Will be overruled. When treason & attempts to overthrow our great country are committed, these are the most heinous acts against America. Treasonous actions demand people to be held accountable.

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