R.I.P. Adam West – IOTW Report

R.I.P. Adam West

Forever associated with the campy 60s era Batman, actor Adam West died last night in Los Angeles “after a short battle with leukemia.”



34 Comments on R.I.P. Adam West

  1. Very sorry to hear that. I remember going over to my buddy’s place every Friday to watch. His parents had split up and his dad had him every weekend. The escapism of that show I think helped him. That and the fact that his dad spoiled him and by extension me rotten.

    Mr. West was a promising actor that became the definition of type casting after Batman. He did bring some humour and camp to a role that pretty well destroyed his career and for years was forced to eke out a living in appearances and conventions. But even through all that I never heard him once badmouth the show or feel sorry for himself or take himself too seriously. His stints on Family Guy as Mayor West was one of its better bits and you could always hear a little of his Batman in the background.
    We’ll stay tuned to the same Bat-Time and the same Bat-Channel sir. RIP Mr. West and Thank You.

  2. Adam West was originally from Walla Walla, Wa. and is the same age as my Dad at 88. Thank you Mr. West for giving us a cheesy but entertaining version of Batman back in the mid 60’s when I was a teenager. And if truth be told that version of Batman was far more enjoyable and a lot less darker the current version of Batman with great guest villains hamming it up like Vincent Price, Cesar Romero, Burgess Meredith etc. and even Milton Berle as Louie The Lilac and Julie Newmar playing Catwoman. I couldn’t stand Batgirl though.

  3. My first son, Mike, loved that program so much. He’d run around the house jumping and kicking, at about the age of 2 and up, or so. I finally made him a Barman hood/mask, complete with stick-up ears, and a real cape, to replace a towel. His very blue eyes sparkled out of the eye holes.

    He yelled out ‘BATMAN’ so much, that Chris’, his baby brother, first word was Batman! I thought, wait, does Batman feed, diaper, play, & etc. with you? It was funny and fun.

    RIP, wonderful memory maker.

  4. I was in second grade when the show debuted; it was a big deal for us kids. My brother and I still have our Matchbox Batmobiles. I sent away for a Batmobile model from Burry’s (the bakery); my dad and I put it together at the kitchen table.

    Thanks for all the great memories, Mr. West. RIP.

  5. No! Not already! 🙁
    God, why???
    This is just so sad… too sad.
    Not only did my mother grow up watching his batman, but so did my younger brother and I. This is just…

  6. I was in 1st grade when it deputed. I remember it being on both Tuesday and Wednesday, which seems kinda unusual.

    My mother knew West back in the late 50’s when living in Hawaii. She said he was a nice man.

  7. Thank you for a great childhood memory, Mr. West! I was not quite 6 years old when the show debuted. My parents were divorcing around that time and it gave a very young boy a bit of happiness in a rather sad time. Rest well sir!

  8. Someone asked the question how much a copy of Batman # 1 would cost nowadays under the Batman theme above, it would be a whole lot more than most of us have. I had a chance to buy Batman #3 for $50 in 1972 after I lost out on a copy of Superman # 2 from Powell’s bookstore in Portland, I was going to pay $75 for it and someone else got it for $80. Batman # 3 was the first appearance of The Joker and is worth a 6 figure fortune now, I turned it down foolishly after losing out on Superman #2, damn.

  9. Me. West, I know you can’t read this but…you made so many lives happier, of only for a half hour at a time. So sorry to hear about the leukemia, dear West family. At least now, he has no worries and rests…in peace.

  10. “Get on your knees and wait for your turn”

    West to a female groupie during the decade of free love as reported by Burt Ward. Ward was amazed at West’s sexual prowess.


  11. When I was kid I loved Batman and thought Adam West was great in the part. It wasn’t until I was older that I realized what a comic genius he was. His deadpan serious portrayal sent the tone for the whole thing and was crucial to the success of the show.
    You can see him in some other pre Batman things, too. He plays a folk singer in an episode of Perry Mason.
    RIP Mr. West.

  12. Eff all the snots who scoff at campy, Jet Age TV Batman. I was six in ’66, and that’s when we got a TV. I lived for Batman on Friday nights. MCMLXVI was a golden year in my life. Thank you Adam West.

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