(R) Senators Cotton and Perdue seek to block Gitmo closing by declassifying detainee terror records – IOTW Report

(R) Senators Cotton and Perdue seek to block Gitmo closing by declassifying detainee terror records

CainTV […] An amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act spearheaded by Sens. David Perdue, R-Ga., and Tom Cotton, R-Ark., would require the director of national intelligence to declassify and make public the terror records of former detainees.

The more information that’s available, the freshman duo are betting, the less likely the public will be to allow the White House to empty and close the prison.

“I suspect the American people, and frankly a lot of our allies, would be a little hesitant to see [detainees] released, to see them walking into their country,” Cotton told reporters at The Heritage Foundation Wednesday.

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6 Comments on (R) Senators Cotton and Perdue seek to block Gitmo closing by declassifying detainee terror records

  1. This is a terrible thing that happened but truth be told, I was kind of hoping that the perp would end up being one of the 25000 aliens that our boy king demanded be settled in our country (Canada) without proper (or any) vetting. I know that sounds bad but it sure would have opened the eyes of Canadians that voted for this left wing chip of his old mans block (Pierre Trudeau) just what kind of snake is heading the country now and the very, very bad thing they’ve done and how mad our biggest trading partner is.

  2. Closing the barn door after obama has released terrorists leaders who are known to have killed American Military personnel since their release. And we didn’t even get any more traitors (bergdahl) in return. And bergdahl was promoted with back pay and is walking as a free man.
    Treason plain and simple.

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