15 Comments on Racist Joy Behar Calls Martin Luther King Jr. Mentally Ill
The absolute Leftist stupidity of Joyless Butthair strikes again!
Joyless is a Libtard. That should cover both options. It’s not an either/or. In her case, it’s an “and”.
King, during his “I’ve been to the mountain” speech seems to have predicted his own death.
He was talking to someone Joy!
Even Oprah said a few weeks ago, she was waiting to hear from God whether she should run for President. Well, Joy, there is another black person you think is mentally ill.
Y’all don’t get it. It’s OK — even commendable — when liberal icons steal, lie, rape, pillage and even *gasp* talk to Jesus. Anyone else? Not so much.
Edited 3 times. Why? Because I can. 🙂
That will get no air time. But if it does, it’ll be from the “Well, MLK didn’t mean a *literal* Jesus” angle the Left has played since the ’40s.
Everything the libs say or do is without regard to consequences or based on historical evidence. They cannot see 1 or 2 moves ahead and cannot see history. Everything said or done is what makes them feel good NOW.
I’d love to play a typical lib a game of chess with real money on the line.
Baptized her child “Just in case”
Married in a church “Just in case”
What’s wrong with Joy? She tells you here (if you can stomach listening to her) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcJykfk6zOE
Joy’s people don’t talk to God, but they see Jesus on toast, and trees in California weep God’s tears.
I can honestly say that I’ve only seen her through secondary sources.
iOTWReport and FoxNews … and those, too many times … she should extinguish in obscurity. She’s a loathsome hag and borderline imbecile.
izlamo delenda est …
If we don’t isolate and ridicule she goes unchecked and unchallenged on The View with her millions of viewers.
We are fighting to persuade a percentage of them to see her in a different light by putting out these memes, memes that we should be encouraged to do and which should be shared and emailed and linked, not discouraged to do because some people have never heard of her.
Alinsky’s law. Mock & ridicule your enemy.
Re: Behar – Using reasonable and rational thinking to attempt to communicate intelligently with a moronic individual making a brainless comment like Behar is a sinful waste of healthy brain cells. The brainless, clueless Behars of the world are best used as intellectual knife sharpening tools for powerhouse minds like Coulter & Malkin. In a battle of intellects, the Behars always show up unarmed. Watching Behar share the mike with a Coulter or Malkin is comic relief….
I think probably both.
I’m aware of that, Mr. Hat, and I applaud your ability to do the “work that Americans won’t do” and not lose your lunch over it.
The absolute Leftist stupidity of Joyless Butthair strikes again!
Joyless is a Libtard. That should cover both options. It’s not an either/or. In her case, it’s an “and”.
King, during his “I’ve been to the mountain” speech seems to have predicted his own death.
He was talking to someone Joy!
Even Oprah said a few weeks ago, she was waiting to hear from God whether she should run for President. Well, Joy, there is another black person you think is mentally ill.
Y’all don’t get it. It’s OK — even commendable — when liberal icons steal, lie, rape, pillage and even *gasp* talk to Jesus. Anyone else? Not so much.
Edited 3 times. Why? Because I can. 🙂
That will get no air time. But if it does, it’ll be from the “Well, MLK didn’t mean a *literal* Jesus” angle the Left has played since the ’40s.
Everything the libs say or do is without regard to consequences or based on historical evidence. They cannot see 1 or 2 moves ahead and cannot see history. Everything said or done is what makes them feel good NOW.
I’d love to play a typical lib a game of chess with real money on the line.
Baptized her child “Just in case”
Married in a church “Just in case”
What’s wrong with Joy? She tells you here (if you can stomach listening to her) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcJykfk6zOE
“Is Joy Behar a racist or just an idiot?”
As Instapundit says, embrace the power of “and”.
Or as Towelie says…
Joy’s people don’t talk to God, but they see Jesus on toast, and trees in California weep God’s tears.
I can honestly say that I’ve only seen her through secondary sources.
iOTWReport and FoxNews … and those, too many times … she should extinguish in obscurity. She’s a loathsome hag and borderline imbecile.
izlamo delenda est …
If we don’t isolate and ridicule she goes unchecked and unchallenged on The View with her millions of viewers.
We are fighting to persuade a percentage of them to see her in a different light by putting out these memes, memes that we should be encouraged to do and which should be shared and emailed and linked, not discouraged to do because some people have never heard of her.
Alinsky’s law. Mock & ridicule your enemy.
Re: Behar – Using reasonable and rational thinking to attempt to communicate intelligently with a moronic individual making a brainless comment like Behar is a sinful waste of healthy brain cells. The brainless, clueless Behars of the world are best used as intellectual knife sharpening tools for powerhouse minds like Coulter & Malkin. In a battle of intellects, the Behars always show up unarmed. Watching Behar share the mike with a Coulter or Malkin is comic relief….
I think probably both.
I’m aware of that, Mr. Hat, and I applaud your ability to do the “work that Americans won’t do” and not lose your lunch over it.
The bitch makes me want to puke.
izlamo delenda est …