Rahm Using Sanctuary City Lawsuit Against Trump To Distract From $55 Million Scandal – IOTW Report

Rahm Using Sanctuary City Lawsuit Against Trump To Distract From $55 Million Scandal

DC: Here’s some friendly advice to President Donald Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions: Remember that Mayor Rahm Emanuel is – well, let’s just say it – a liar. A calculating Chicago politician. He’s well-schooled in the sordid mores of “the Chicago Way.”

So don’t be fooled by Rahm’s fake lawsuit against the Department of Justice. Emanuel’s token lawsuit against the DOJ’s sanctuary city funding threat is a just convenient diversion from a $55 million scandal in Chicago that broke last week.

Chicago aldermen and city watchdogs have accused Emanuel of secretly redirecting $55 million in TIF funds earmarked to help a poor, predominantly black ward on Chicago’s South Side. Instead, the diverted property tax funds were poured into a popular tourist attraction in a wealthy area – another vanity project for the Mayor. Chicago taxpayers are on the hook for these funds too – but they’d never know it because it’s not disclosed on their tax bills.  more here


Really, Chicago? You guys couldn’t find a guy who’s already in jail to vote in as mayor? It would just save so much time and money.


4 Comments on Rahm Using Sanctuary City Lawsuit Against Trump To Distract From $55 Million Scandal

  1. “Lawsuit Against Trump”

    It isn’t a lawsuit against Trump.
    It is a lawsuit against me.
    If you are reading this, it is a lawsuit against you also.
    This is more of the manipulation of language and spin. If Chicago, or any sanctuary city for that matter, seeks to take federal dollars (which are derived from taxes, contributed by people who work), and then ignore federal law, I say NO.
    I refuse to work so that my taxes can be given to those who don’t obey laws, or those who support them. Mr. Sessions, seek damages.

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