Rand Paul Announces Plan for Obamacare and Dems Are Going to Hate It – IOTW Report

Rand Paul Announces Plan for Obamacare and Dems Are Going to Hate It

WJ: Sen. Rand Paul plans to take a whack at taxes and Obamacare with an amendment he intends on introducing when the Senate takes up the issue of tax reform.

“Today I am announcing my intention to amend the Senate tax bill to repeal the individual mandate and provide bigger tax cuts for middle income taxpayers,” the Kentucky Republican announced Tuesday on his social media accounts.

“The mandate repeal is a promise we all made and we should keep. I‎t also allows an additional $300 billion+ in tax cuts,” he added.

“My amendment will fix a problem in the Senate bill where many taxpayers would see a tax increase because of the loss of state and local deductions,” he said.

“I will introduce a similar deduction as the House plan, making the tax reform plan more fair for everyone. This will also help ensure House acceptance of the Senate plan, as leaders there have stated they will not accept a plan with no state and local deductibility.”

read more here

11 Comments on Rand Paul Announces Plan for Obamacare and Dems Are Going to Hate It

  1. “…they will not accept a plan with no state and local deductibility.”

    State and local tax deductions from federal income tax will not be cut off this time around, sad. It is the only thing that will show taxpayers how state spending hurts them bigly.

  2. To remove an Unconstitutional mandate to buy insurance is a gimme.
    And the worthless scumbag Republicants can’t even be counted on for that!

    Why did we give them control of both Houses!?


    I was in Europe working, and when the Unaffordable Care Act fines went into effect, I asked them if I would be fined, how could I prove I had overseas health coverage, and in fact, I didn’t NEED to file taxes because I made less than $80,000/year. However, I still SHOULD file to tell the gov’t I owe them no taxes. You know what professional tax preparer said to me?

    “Maybe you should just file your own taxes this year.”

    Thanks a lot assholes. You prepare taxes as your job, and either couldn’t or wouldn’t figure out Obamacare for me.

  4. Cutting taxes would be good, but it would represent a small blip in the growth curve of the size and expense of govt. What we should all be screaming for is spending cuts. Eliminate whole departments that have no Constitutional basis for even existing. Can you say “Department of Education” boys and girls?

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