Rand Paul: ‘Don’t Forget the First Thanksgiving Only Happened When the Pilgrims Rejected Socialism’ – IOTW Report

Rand Paul: ‘Don’t Forget the First Thanksgiving Only Happened When the Pilgrims Rejected Socialism’

Breitbart– Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) wished his fellow Americans a Happy Thanksgiving on Thursday and added a brief history lesson to his holiday message, reminding all that the first Thanksgiving “only happened when the pilgrims rejected socialism.”

“Happy Thanksgiving! Take this day to be thankful for friends and family and don’t forget the first Thanksgiving only happened when the pilgrims rejected socialism,” Paul tweeted alongside an article titled,  “Why the Pilgrims Abandoned Common Ownership for Private Property”:

The article Paul provides explains how the original communal living arrangements of the Plymouth Colony failed them. The colony’s first governor, William Bradford, extensively documented the phenomenon. READ MORE

5 Comments on Rand Paul: ‘Don’t Forget the First Thanksgiving Only Happened When the Pilgrims Rejected Socialism’

  1. I like to watch (most of) the shows from the _House_ franchise, one of which is _Colonial House_. This one is *not* one of my favorite ones, though, because so many of the people selected to re-enact the life of colonials insisted on injecting their own perspectives into the lives they were studying by attempting to live them.

    For instance, a woman playing the wife of a freeman, an atheistic moron who ignores history, refused to go to church services and then acted surprised and indignant when she was put in the stockade. Another one, a young gay man playing an indentured servant, came out to his masters (not sure if they would have been called that), who happened to be played by an uber liberal couple sympathetic to his demand not only that people accept him but also celebrate his lifestyle. He condemned and mocked the idea of “love the sinner hate the sin,” rejecting the right of anyone to believe he could, indeed should, be treated with dignity as a human being even while disagreeing about the right or wrong of his lifestyle.

    I personally don’t know enough about the history to be able to say there were or weren’t gays or atheistic people in the colonies, and even if there were none documented, I’d still be willing to believe there were. For better or worse, however, they mostly seemed to keep their mouths shut because they didn’t have the rights to speech we did and their culture was much more strict than ours. So seeing the modern people pushing for the freedoms we have today (a long jump that skips much of history), including the right to agitate and tell the church and community leaders how to run the place, especially (and here gets more on point) while acting like a bunch of lazy, ungrateful cowards, makes me thankful our ancestors will never see this disgusting and shameful depiction of the lives they led so that we could have better.

  2. If the US was a free country and had black people in 1999 then why can’t the USA be a free country now?

    If the US was a free country and had women in 1999 then why can’t the USA be a free country now?

    If the US was a free country and had corporations in 1999 then why can’t the USA be a free country now?

    If the US was a free country and was not an anarchy in 1999 then why can’t the USA be a free country now?


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